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Food and Drink. Breakfast n The most popular food is breakfast cereal. –many kinds are available in shops –eaten from a bowl, with milk added.

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Presentation on theme: "Food and Drink. Breakfast n The most popular food is breakfast cereal. –many kinds are available in shops –eaten from a bowl, with milk added."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food and Drink

2 Breakfast n The most popular food is breakfast cereal. –many kinds are available in shops –eaten from a bowl, with milk added

3 Lunch Hot lunches can be bought from dining halls, “ lunch bars ”, etc. n Sandwiches are also very popular. –especially at home –cheap, easy, and fast –a typical sandwich: 2 slices of bread + butter + cold meat + fresh vegetables

4 Lunch n Some people take a packed lunch –especially primary and middle school students n Example: –1 or 2 sandwiches –fruit –a drink (eg. juice) –a snack (biscuits, nuts, etc)

5 Dinner “ Meat and two veg ” –a simple, traditional meal –meat (grilled, stewed, roasted, etc) + two kinds of boiled vegetables

6 Dinner n Other traditional foods: –stew –pie –“ a roast ” (roasted meat + roasted vegetables) n But today, people cook dishes from many other countries –Italy, India, France, China, Japan, etc

7 Fast food Hotdog Fried or barbecued chicken

8 Pizza

9 Hamburger Fish and chips

10 Sweet foods n People often eat dessert after dinner –fruit pies, icecream, pudding, etc n Biscuits are a popular snack n Cakes are considered even nicer, but are eaten less often –chocolate cake, sponge cake, fruit cake, lemon cake, banana cake,...

11 Drinks n Both (black) tea and coffee are drunk –but tea is more popular in Britain –and coffee is more popular in America –many American families have an electric machine for making coffee n Americans often drink coffee with their dinner n Milkshake: milk + icrecream + flavour –beaten until light and frothy

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