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The Basics Back To Optimal Health

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Presentation on theme: "The Basics Back To Optimal Health"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Basics Back To Optimal Health
Dr. Susan M. Clark Back In Action Chiropractic

2 US Population Health Continuum…
The BAD News Average health of our population is NOT improving! (Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, High Cholesterol etc.) Affecting our teenagers and young children The GOOD News…Your Body is designed to heal itself You can improve your health Reduce your risk of these disease states Higher quality of life

3 Overview Nervous System Health Chemical Health Musculoskeletal Health
How To Get More Energy Back Into Your Life Purification…A Brief Overview Whole vs. Synthetic Foods/Supplements Musculoskeletal Health Dos and Don’ts Basics on How To Get Into Shape

4 Nervous System Health Nervous System = Brain + Spinal Cord
The Master Controller The Optimal Environment


6 The Nervous System--Autonomic
Peripheral Nervous System Involuntarily Controls Actions Within Our Bodies Controls the organs (the "viscera") of our body to include muscles and glands for example Heart Stomach Intestines Broken down into 2 Branches Sympathetic “fight or flight” Parasympathetic “rest & digest”

7 Optimal Enviroment to Thrive!
Physical Stressors Body Biomechanics—Sitting, Standing, Sleeping Injuries from Activities of Daily Living or Sports Chemical Stressors Environmental Pollutants (Handout on Pollutants to be wary of) Dietary Intake Emotional Stressors Daily Thoughts Attitude Stress from Life Encounters….

8 Chemical Health Deficiencies In Our Foods
Majority of American farm soil has been hopelessly depleted of the nutrients that were present before the advent of petro-chemical-based farming in the 1950’s. Refining and packaging of food strips the nutrients out of the food in order to achieve extended shelf life. Not even bugs and rats will eat the majority of foods that the average American exists on. These devitalized foods are now anti-nutrients, in that they require your body to provide the nutrients to metabolize them, that is, to remake yourself with, and to provide you with energy.

9 Chemical Health How To Get More Energy Back?
Examine foods consumed… WHAT YOU EAT IS WHAT YOU ARE! Know quantity and quality of diet, exercise, and sleep determines energy levels Role of Your Endocrine System Thyroid Gland Adrenal Glands Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire (Handout)

10 Endrocrine System The HPA Axis

11 Purification Program The Major Steps
1st Digestion & Elimination working 2nd Liver/Billiary and Gallbladder working Determine by filling out the following: Toxicity Survey Symptom Survey (Chiropractic Intake Form)

12 What Is Purification? The First Step to Optimal Health & Vitality
3-week program consisting of the following: Diet & Lifestyle changes Targeted supplements that will help the body gently cleanse and support healing Rid the body of toxins

13 Purification Immediate Changes
Raised Energy Levels Weight Loss 8-12 lbs (predominantly body fat) Re-establish Cravings for “good” natural Foods vs. synthetic processed foods

14 Purification What to Expect
Skin major organ of elimination Persistent fatigue initially as body is eliminating If get hungry…you may be thirsty

15 Purification What To Look Out For
Constipation requires immediate attention Senna Tea Black Olives Prunes Colax (Mediherb) Concern about medications

16 Purification Balancing the Body Chemistry
Add foods back into diet systematically to identify food sensitivities Control Blood Sugar & Hormone Imbalances Remove All Refined Carbs & Cows Milk Remember: Old Habits are Hard to Break The healthier you are the less food cravings you will have

17 Purification Food Type…Protein
Eat small amounts at each meal Animal and Vegetarian Sources Free Range & Organic when possible Eggs (pasture fed chickens) Whole egg Yolk essential to lower blood fat and improve liver and brain function Beef, Lamb, Fish: the more rare the better Avoid frying (stir frying ok)

18 Purification Protein Protein intake per day
Ideal BW in lbs divided by 15 = Oz of Protein Spread the daily amount needed over several meals If physically active eat 4 Oz more of protein The Conversion: Meats, fish, poultry = 7 grams of protein per ounce Eggs = 6 grams (Egg white 4 grams) Hard Cheese (formed) = 6 to 7 grams per ounce Soft Cheese (cream, spreadable) – 3 – 4 grams per ounce

19 Purification Vegetables
Eat MORE, MORE, MORE!!! Fresh, organic, in season Raw preferred Steamed Lightly Sauteed in butter or olive oil only Lettuce dark leafed most nutrient Vegetable juice not a great alternative

20 Purification Fruits Fresh & Organic
Eat ONE Type at a Time on an Empty Stomach No Fruit Juice Loaded with fructose Ultimately stored as fat

21 Purification Carbohydrates
The More You Eat The More You Want! Eat Veggies as a Carb Choice and Reduce Grains If Eat Grains In moderation At Dinner Only Reduce/Eliminate breads There is a Connection to Carbohydrates Weight Gain Elevated Cholesterol and Triglycerides Cancer

22 Purification Grains These are the Source of Trouble
Allergic Rxns Natural Chemicals Present Lack of Appropriate Digestive Enzymes High Carb Content Minimize wheat and barley (GLUTEN) Unprocessed Rye, Rolled Oats, and Brown Rice on occasion

23 Purification Sweeteners
Crave Sweets? Chemical Imbalance Do Use Tupelo Honey (sparingly) Stevia Do Not Use Aspartame/Splenda/Nutra-Sweet Corn Syrup Table Sugar (Raw cane okay sparingly)

24 Purification Fats Fats are NOT Making You Fat When eating Fat
Chemical signals brain to slow movement of food out of stomach The Result…feel full Fats used for… Energy Building Membranes Around All Cells Formation of Hormones

25 Purification Fats GOOD AVOID ALL (Partially) Hydrogenated & Trans Fats
Olive oil cold pressed, extra virgin Walnut Flaxseed Sesame Oil Raw Organic Butter Raw Nuts Avocados AVOID ALL (Partially) Hydrogenated & Trans Fats Margarine Crackers Chips Fried Foods Olestra Man-made Saturated Fats

26 Purification Milk Products
Raw Butter —essential nutrients & vitamins Soy & Rice Milk? Highly Processed Simple Carbohydrates Pasteurized Milk MORE Detrimental than Sugar! Cows Milk Some Cheese Sour Cream Half & Half Ice Cream Cottage Cheese Yogurt

27 Purification Liquids To Drink
Water—Bottled Most disease states traced back to dehydration 85% Brain is Water 75% Kidneys, Liver, Muscles, & Heart are Water You may drink clear beverages such as teas At least ½ your fluid intake should be plain water Amount to Drink ½ Body Weight in Ounces e.g. 100lbs than drink 50 oz Consume in Small Amounts Throughout Day For Every Cup of Coffee or Alcohol, ADD the Equivalent Amount of Water Wine/Beer Red Wine has less sugar than White and should be consumed with meals Foreign brewed beer is more nutritious than large commercial brews

28 Purification How To Eat
Smaller & More Often 4 – 5 Small Meals Larger Meals puts more stress on your energy supply The body will not allow blood sugar levels to get too high Insulin & Cortisol are secreted to balance blood-sugar levels Large, high Carb meals bring on too much insulin blood sugar levels drop too low Result: More Sugar Cravings!!!...A Vicious cycle. Undigested foods can lead to the following conditions: Indigestion Yeast Gas/Bloating Inflammation Food Reactions…Allergies…Sensitivities Early Symptoms of Disease States due to Eating..undigested food may be seen by the body as a threat creating an immune response and food allergy Fatigue Joint Aches Flu-like Symptoms Headaches

29 Chemical Health Whole Food Supplementing
Fallacy of “High Dosage = High Potency” Large quantities of dead chemicals lack potency Fact…A vitamin needs all of its synergists to function Vitamins In The Natural State Always exist as living complexes with the following: Specific Synergistic Co-factors Enzymes Phytonutrients Organic Mineral Activators Whole-food Natural Vitamins Small quantities will have all their naturally-occurring synergists More potent than synthetic imitation vitamins

30 Natural Vs. Synthetic Vitamin How To Read A Vitamin Label
Crystalline = natural food has been treated with various chemicals, solvents, heat and distillations to reduce it down to one specific “pure” crystalline; synergists are destroyed Synthetic Vitamin = Drug-like Attempt to reconstruct the exact structure of the crystalline molecule by chemically combining molecules from other sources Sources are non-living foods…DEAD CHEMICALS Reading Vitamin Label Acetate, Bitartrate, Chloride, Gluconate, Hydrochloride, Nitrate, Succinate

31 Reasons For Not Exercising
Hard to Start Solution: Only have to start once in your lifetime Don’t Have the Time Solution: Look at your schedule and program in exercise time even if it is only 15 minutes (You take an hour or so to watch your favorite TV show!) Proximity and Cost Having to go to a gym? Solution: Create an inexpensive home gym…start small..think big/long term

32 Do’s Don’ts of Exercise
Haven’t Exercised In a While? Obtain a Complete Physical Exam First Aerobic Training Heart Rate Not on Distance Minimum 30 minutes Strength Training Large muscle groups to small Opposing muscle groups Rest periods between sets

33 NSCA Strength & Conditioning Standard
Endurance (less than 70% effort) Repetitions: 12 – 20 Sets: 2 –3 Rest: less than 30 secs Hypertrophy (70 – 80% effort) Repetitions: 8 – 12 Sets: 3 – 6 Rest: 30 – 90 secs Strength (80 – 100%) Repetitions: 1 – 8 Sets: 3-5 Rest: 3 – 5 min

34 Training Zone Intensity
THR 60 – 70% Aerobic Conditioning (Fat Burning) (EASY ZONE 1) Fat is the source of energy Still feels easy to talk/unimpeded THR 70 – 80% Steady State/ Aerobic Threshold (MEDIUM ZONE 2) Fastest pace you can maintain and still feel comfortable and “pain free” Lactic acid does not build up! THR 80 – 90% Anaerobic Threshold (HARD ZONE 3) Peak—lactic acid can gradually build up * Always train right below your AT

35 Calculating Your HRT Zones
220 – your age = Y Y – Resting HRT = X To Calculate 60 – 90% Effort X (.60) + RHRT = 60% Effort

36 Recap…Where To Start Health IRA Nervous System Health Chemical Health
Set Realistic & Attainable Health Goals Nervous System Health Consider Getting Your Spine Evaluated Chemical Health Annual Physical Exam—Blood Work, Tissue Mineral Analysis Read Food Labels Cut back on hydrogenated, processed foods Start A Purification Program Supplement with Whole Food Musculoskeletal Health Annual Physical Exam Exercise at least 3 days/wk Aerobically for a minimum of 30 minutes Exercise at least 2 days/wk Strength Training

37 How To Educate Yourself
Eat Fat Lose Fat by Sally Fallon & Mary Enig Why Do I Need Whole Food Supplements by Lori Medford Adrenal Fatigue 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James Wilson

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