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School lunches in U.s compared to other countries

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1 School lunches in U.s compared to other countries
By: Jacob F.

2 The reason - The reason I chose this topic is because over 30 million students each day go through lunch lines and eat the school lunches that are provided. Don’t you think it’s important to feed all those students healthy food? Especially since most kids treat it as their main meal on a school day…? Why do you think America has obesity problems? Do lunches put in front of us at school affect our eating habits? Those are all some things I’d like you to think about during this presentation. Hopefully it will inspire you to put effort into changing what meals students are served.

3 Here are some school lunches from the u.s
These are just some examples of lunches that are served to kids everyday around the United States. In some schools you can get these meals for free. In school districts like Detroit Public Schools for example. In most school districts though; students have to pay to eat these meals…! These meals are a prime example of America’s un-healthy eating habits and just another factor added to the obesity problem in the U.S. The meals tend to contain a lot of grease, fat, salt, and calories.

4 Here are some school lunches from other countries
As you can see, students in Italy, Spain, South Korea, and even Brazil eat fuller and much healthier meals. These are just some of the countries that serve hardier meals. These meals are very nutritious and that’s why all these countries have lower obesity rates than the U.S. Not only do these meals provide good nutrition, but it also forms good eating habits for the students eating them. It shows them what meals they should be eating out of school too.

5 Conclusion So would you rather have a nice greasy lunch from the U.S or a healthy nutritious meal from another country? The Government does have the funds to provide healthier school lunches. Let them know that the lunches given to us right now are unacceptable. Lets make a change in something that can make a huge difference in our society. If countries like Brazil who are not as wealthy as the U.S can serve healthy lunches, then I don’t think its too much to ask for more nutritious meals for our students.

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