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Cambridge First- Writing Informal letters

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1 Cambridge First- Writing Informal letters

2 There are various kinds of letter: letters of complaint/ letters asking for/ giving information/ letter of application/ letters of invitation etc... A good letter should consists of: An appropriate greeting (Dear Peter,/ Dear Mr Ford,/ Dear Sir/Madam,); An introduction clearly stating the reason you are writing; A main body in which the subject is developed. Begin a new paragraph for each main point; A final pragraph in which you sum up the topic or express your wish for something to be done; and An appropriate ending (Yours/ Best wishes, + first name, Yours sincerely,/ Yours faithfully, + last name).

3 Style in letters The characteristics of formal style in letters are:
the greeting ( Dear Mrs Lee, Dear Sir,) frequent use of the passive ( I am writing with respect to a position that was advertised ...) formal language ( complex senteces, non- coloquial English), i.e I look forward to your reply. no abbreviated forms the ending ( Yours sincerely, / Yours faithfully, Jessica Ford)

4 The characteristics of informal style in letters are:
the greeting ( Dear Alex, Dear Dad,) Informal language and style( idioms, colloquial English), i.e It was a pice of cake to find your apartament building. Abbreviated forms, i.e I’m really glad.../ pronouns omitted , i.e Hope to see you soon! the ending ( Yours/Love/ Best wishes/ Regards, Anthony)

5 Formal X Informal FORMAL I felt obliged to write to inform you...
Please accept my sincere apologies for not writing... Suitable opportunity... I have become familiar with... Improving considerably... I hope to return home... I look foward to hearing from you soon. Yours sincerely, INFORMAL I just had to write and tell you... I’m sorry for not writing Chance ... I am getting to know... Getting much better... I hope to come home... Please write back soon Love,

6 Cambridge First – writing task 2

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