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HOW TO WRITE A PERSONAL LETTER. Informal letters are written to people that we know very well. We can write about our holiday, new friends, personal problems,

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO WRITE A PERSONAL LETTER. Informal letters are written to people that we know very well. We can write about our holiday, new friends, personal problems,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Informal letters are written to people that we know very well. We can write about our holiday, new friends, personal problems, etc. Informal letters are written in an informal style.

3 Your address Date Greeting Introduction Main body Conclusion Ending

4 The structure of a letter 1. Your address 2. Date 3.Greeting 4.Introduction 5. Main body 6. Conclusion 7. Ending 8. Signature

5 EXAMPLES OF ADDRESSES 19 Green Street Moscow Russia Moscow Russia

6 EXAMPLES OF DATES British English 1st December 2012 3d November 2012 11th August 2012 15th March 2012 American English December1st, 2012 November 3d, 2012 August 11th, 2012 March 15th, 2012

7 EXAMPLES OF GREETINGS Dear Sally, Dear David, Dear Dad, Dear Mom, Dear Uncle, Dear Aunt, Dear Mr Wood, My darling,

8 EXAMPLES OF INTRODUCTION Thanks for…, Many thanks for…, How nice of you …, I was awfully glad to get your letter… I must apologize for not writing…, I really should have written sooner….

9 MAIN BODY write about the main topic of the letter in detail. develop the topic in paragraphs (using links)

10 EXAMPLES OF CONCLUSION Write soon. See you soon. Goodbye. Please drop me a line when you are free. Please convey my warmest regards to your family. That’s all for now. Give my regards to… I can’t wait to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing you. Please, write soon. Best wishes. I’ll write again soon. Hope to hear from you soon.

11 EXAMPLES OF ENDINGS Best wishes, All the best, Yours,

12 EXAMPLES OF SIGNATURE Sally David Nastya Kristin

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