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China and Japan Chapter 6.

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1 China and Japan Chapter 6


3 China Folk Religion Ancestors Communication Giving attention and care
Feeding hungry ghosts Yin and Yang Yin is earth, female Yang is heaven, male

4 I Ching Yijing (I Ching) Oracle
Skilled interpreter offered guidance in human choices People sought support of heaven and nature in their actions

5 Daoism Dao de Jing (Tao Te Ching) “The Way and its Power”
Book of philosophy and teaching of Laozi Time of the Upanishads 6th Century BCE (before Confucius) Focus on the harmony of opposites within Dao Dao is the cosmic power in all human experience

6 Daoism Daoism Natural course of things is best
Artificial structures bring discord Values the solitary individual over society No formal worship or prayer wuwei – a life of quiet and avoidance of aggression Sages seek to return good for evil Initially attracted only philosophers

7 Daoism Magical Daoism Physical healing, immortality Alchemists made elixirs of herbs, gold Change or master the bodies of animals Charms to prevent evil, assaults Dao revivals included belief in heaven and hell, rituals of worship by 1000 CE

8 The Absolute for Daoism
An invisible way of harmony of opposites followed by the universe Indifferent to human desires Unrevealed to humans Not influenced by prayer or ritual Folk traditions include the Three Purities Ancestors worshiped as deities Ling Bao, Jade Emperor, Laozi

9 Daoist Worldview Weakness and simplicity valued
Organization and action leads to suffering Civilization is the enemy of the contented human Nothing is so bad that action will not make it worse Solution to disharmony is to live a simple life Embryonic breathing (taixi) – breath holding Meditation (shouyi) – on nature and unite with Dao

10 Confucianism Confucius Kongfuzi
BCE (contemporary of the Buddha) An accountant who witnessed economic injustice Traveling scholar with disciples Strong faith in humans as good by nature Sought good government as civil servant Responsible rulers who were obedient to heaven Ethical people who honored parents

11 Confucius Junzi – model person Li – proper behavior
Yi – internalized Li Ren – humaneness or compassion

12 Confucianism Upright Magnanimous Sincere Earnest Generous
5 Virtues of human behavior towards friends Upright Magnanimous Sincere Earnest Generous

13 Other Teachings… Fajia (Legalists) Mohists
Mozi taught universal love as cure for society Share and share alike with all Differed from Confucius who ranked relatives and friends over enemies Fajia (Legalists) Humans respect only strong laws Individual exists for the state Rulers should harshly enforce rigid laws

14 Daoism vs. Confucianism
Go with the flow Live according to nature Society must adapt to the Dao Meditation and inaction As little government as possible Confucianism Ruler and Subjects in reciprocal relationship Li harmony rules behavior Social role is paramount Ethical behavior expected Government good and necessary to order life

15 What happened to Confucianism?
Manchu ruler in 1906 deified Confucius Failed as a state religion Chiang K’ai Shek – New Life Movement Nationalist Party Confucian values Left for Taiwan 1949 Mao Zedong (Mao Tsetung) Marxist who established People’s Republic of China Individual rights are relative to the larger society

16 The Absolute for Confucianism
Reverence for Confucius means practicing his teachings Mandate of heaven (if followed) allowed good things Humans are good but need education and models Disharmony comes from not considering others Live by the Golden Rule Obey the good ruler Rituals were to honor ancestors and to mourn parents

17 Japan: Shinto Ancient Japanese religion
Spirits of sacred persons, places Kami no michi – the way of the gods Kami – supernatural powers; created islands Torii – gateway to mark sacred places Shamans (miko) had priestly healing powers Shinto began to write down their beliefs and practices after encountering Buddhist scriptures from Korea



20 Shinto Early CE 19th Century Mid 20th Century
Influenced by Buddhism with arrival of Koreans Culture incorporated art, books 19th Century Influenced by Western ideas, purged of Buddhism Mid 20th Century Revised when Emperor Hirohito denied his divinity

21 Myths of Shinto Izanagi and Izanami – produced the islands then many kami Birth of the fire god killed Izanami She went to Yomi, land of the dead Izanagi had to cleanse himself after seeing her there Other deities were created in his acts of purification Amaterasu – sun goddess Susanoo – god of storms Tsukiyomi – moon god

22 Myths of Shinto Jimmu 1st emperor Susanoo and Amaterasu
Stress importance between procreators and created Worship through ritual seeks fellowship with kami Shinto became part of government court ceremonies

23 Shinto 7-8th Centuries Influenced by Buddhism
Mahayana Buddhist deities and kami fused Influenced by Confucianism To build solid families Code of the warrior (bushido) (ethics of junzi) Extreme patriotism for emperor and country Failure led to ritual suicide (hara-kiri)

24 Shinto and Western Religions
Competing Christian missionaries since 16th Century Catholic Jesuits, Protestants came with traders Caused conflict between Japanese converts First prohibited from interfering with local doctrines 1597 Franciscans killed by crucifixion in Nagasaki 1614 Christianity banned 1853 Japan opened ports to US 1868 State Shinto identified with patriotism 1889 Constitutional freedom of religion

25 State Shinto Connected state with ancestors
Individual belonged to the state Reverence for ancestors, patriots, emperor Declined after 1945, declared not a religion

26 Shinto Worldview Natural world revered as divine – islands sacred
The land was made for Japanese and belongs to them Kami identified with natural phenomenon Worship of sun goddess Amaterasu-Omikami Concern is on Japanese people and not the world Ritual purification resolves alienation of being unclean Devotion to family and country governs all conduct


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