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Introducing Vivo Recognition and Rewards

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1 Introducing Vivo Recognition and Rewards
A Teacher Guide

2 What is Vivo Miles? VIVO is an online rewards system which aims to motivate students to work hard at school. Teachers award pupils VIVO s (electronic points) for a range of categories decided by the school for example; attendance, good work, effort etc. Students can save and redeem their VIVOs on the rewards they want from an online catalogue in the VIVO Shop. Students can check their VIVO balance by logging in to their account through the website or the VIVO App (for Android and iPhones).

3 Using Vivo Miles This presentation will take you through how to use the system as a STAFF user, specifically how to: 1. Log-on. 2. Reward an individual student and multiple students. 3. Reset Student passwords. 4. Create customised lists – e.g. Choir Club.

4 How to log-on Go to or download the VIVO App.
Enter your username, password and domain as detailed on your welcome letter or . Click on the login button. When logging in for the first time, you will be prompted to enter an address so you can be sent a reminder should you forget your login. Once logged-in, please change your login details to something more memorable and keep them safe!

5 Your Vivo budget Each teacher will be given a budget of VIVOs to award each week by your school. Any un-awarded VIVOs will NOT carry over to the next week. You can easily keep track of how much of your budget you have used from your homepage:- If you need more VIVOs in a particular week, please contact your school’s VIVO administrator who may be able to increase your budget.

6 Rewarding a student or multiple students
Search for the user you wish to reward then click reward. You can reward by tutor group. You can reward by your class lists.

7 Rewarding a student Step 1:Select a category. This will automatically default to the number of Vivos this category is worth. Step 2: Write a more detailed explanation if required Step 3: Click submit

8 Rewarding a lesson Step 1: Click on the students or select all.
STEP 3: Write a more detailed explanation if required STEP 2: Choose the category. This will automatically default to the number of Vivos this category is worth. STEP 4. Press Reward

9 Rewarding by tutor group
Step 1. Select the tutor group STEP 2. Click on the student(s), or Select all STEP 3. Choose the category. This will automatically default to the number of Vivos this category is worth. STEP 4: Write a more detailed explanation if required STEP 5. Press Reward

10 What the student sees Details of transactions will appear on the student’s account the next time they login Total number of VIVOs Click to view transactions The Category Teacher comment(optional)

11 How to create your own lists of students to award
Step 6. Remove students from class. If you coach a football team or tutor a Revision Class, you can use Vivo to create additional groups and class lists. Step 1. Click on Lists Step 2. Click on Create new Step 4. Search for and then add students to your group/class. Step 5. Created groups appears under “Your list”. Step 3. Name your group/class.

12 Resetting Passwords All admin and staff can reset students passwords.
Step 1: Search for the user. Step 2: click reset password Step 3: Enter the new password and click reset.

13 And finally . . . We hope you find VIVO Recognition and rewards an easy-to-use and valued tool. The success of the system relies on EVERY staff member using it on a daily basis plus using up their weekly allocation of VIVOs. The system is under constant development. We very much appreciate all feedback – please your comments to Thank you and GOOD LUCK! And remember: Every Vivo Matters!

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