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PHED 1111: Physical Education Spring 2012 Section: 205

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1 PHED 1111: Physical Education Spring 2012 Section: 205
Name: Fatimah Misfer ALJuraim ID: Major: MIS Assignment: Nutrition Analysis (30%)

2 Assessment Rubric Criteria Assessment Rubric For Nutrition Analysis
Scores Daily Diet Record – day 1 Include food types, amounts, calories, food servings, and estimated meal calorie %. Include a Word document page showing your calculations for % proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for each meal (worth 6/14%) 14% Chart 1 Use your answers from your Daily Diet Records to answer the 19 questions 3% Chart 2 Use your answers from Chart 1 to complete this chart 1% Conclusions and Implications Answer typed. Using your results from this lab discuss your diet. Mention the % of food types you eat from the 4 main food groups. Compare your % values with the recommended % values. What diet changes should you make? Are you eating enough calories? (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 12% TOTAL 30% Criteria Assessment Rubric for Selecting Nutritious Foods SCORES Favorite versus Nutritious Food Choices Include food names (not food numbers), calories, protein calories, carbohydrate calories, fat calories, and total calories 16% Food Selection Results Use your answers from the Favorite Versus Nutritious Food Choices Table to calculate the various calories % 4% Conclusions and Implications Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet (mention food servings and % values). Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number, food servings, % values). (completely fill in the box – use 10 font, 1 line spacing) 10% TOTAL 30%

3 Chocolate chip cookies Orange 1 peace Medium 471 200 60 64 10 43.1
Scrambled egg Corn flaks Apple Donut Skim Milk 2lg 8oz medium 1 peace 80 oz 222 97 96 125 88 17.0 35.2 47.8 = 100% 628 1 1 1 1 100 Boiled chicken breast Mexican rice Small salad plan Soft drink 1peace FF 1 plane 12oz 284 213 37 144 36.4 14.7 48.8 = 100% 678 1 1 1 1 100 Backed potato Cooked broccoli Spaghetti, meat Soft drink Medium 80oz 13oz 10oz 90 60 500 144 18.4 21.4 60.2 =100% 794 1 1 1 1 100 Cheese nachos Sandwich cookies Chocolate chip cookies Orange 1 peace Medium 471 200 60 64 10 43.1 46.8 =100% 100 795 3 1 20.0 28.8 51.15 2895 6 4 3 3

4 15

5 1 day 2894 Compare your food servings with the recommended servings for the 4 main food groups. MyPyramid was a visual illustration of suggested healthy eating habits and physical activity. Like its predecessor, the Food Guide Pyramid, MyPyramid combined the government’s dietary guidelines and recommended allowances into six food groups. But instead of illustrating the number of servings based on a one-size-fits-all 2,000 calorie intake, the MyPyramid symbol itself showed six vertical color bands, each representing varying proportions of the pyramid. These colors represented the food groups as follows. 2. Compare your % values with the recommended % values for protein, carbohydrates, and fats. My percentage values are 20.0%protin, 51.1%carbohydrate,and 28.8% fat. While, the recommended values are 20%protin,55%carbohydrate, and 25%fat. It is very close, but I have to increase the percentage of carbohydrate by 4.9% and the percentage of fat by3.8%. 3. What diet changes should you make? (Mention fiber, types of protein, drinks, types of fat, etc.) I should eat Veges fibers which exists in the fruit and vegetables .Also Protein is very imperativein the nutrition. It protects our bodies from unsafe diseases. More it helps both adults and children to grow up and get better. The sources of protein are complain, poultry, lamb, fish, shellfish, dairy products” including cottage cheese”, yogurt milk , egg “whites or egg substitutes”, dry beans, peas, oats legumes ,tofu and soy products, nuts, and seeds. 4. Are you eating enough calories? How many calories should you be consuming daily? amount of calories you need per day varies, depending upon your goal and a slew of other factors. For example, if you want to lose weight, you need fewer calories. Most nutritionists will tell you to count your calories--every calorie--to come up with the correct number for you. It is a good idea to be aware of how many calories you are consuming every day. Read more: How Many Calories Should I Consume Daily? |

6 537 18.0% 580 20.0% 1263 42.3% 1481 51.1% 1182 38.6% 834 28.8% 2982 2895 1. Discuss the differences between your nutritious diet and your favorite diet. provide your body with the nutrients it needs to maintain good health. This type of diet provides enough flexibility that each person can create a balanced diet based on his eating preferences and needs Read more: 2. Discuss how you designed your nutritious diet (mention your ideal calorie number). First, you have to ask your doctor to help you out. After that, you choose healthy good food that has all the protein that you need , carbohydrate, and fat that are kind of enough to do you’re daily physical exercises.

7 3pancak(1-6) 16bacon(2slides) 24cake medium slice 30coffee (cup) 32cream(t) 146 86 317 32 19 14 22 2 67 2 136 58 70 159 28 1scrambled egg(1lg) 34corn flakes(8oz) 39apple (medium) 46 from the lunch table 46skim milk(8oz) 222 97 96 125 88 58 8 1 4 36 14 87 86 61 52 150 2 9 60 581 57 207 315 628 107 300 221 1hamburger(reg.ff) 21french fries(medium) 42maxican rice(ff) 26beef noodle soup(8oz) 9pizza,cheese 255 406 213140 290 48 20 17 32 116 120 195 160 59 116 89 191 36 49 58 42broiled chicken breast 39maxican rice 29small salad , plain Soft drink 284 406 37 144 224 20 6 195 27 144 60 191 4 1304 233 650 423 678 247 331 100 2cheesburger(reg,ff) 53mustured (t) 7hot dog(ff) 13French fried shrimp(6oz) 42maxican rice(ff) 307 4 214 360 213 61 36 133 17 120 4 54 68 160 126 124 158 36 21backed potato(medium) 26coocked broccoli(8oz) 20soaghetti,meat(130z) 48soft drink(12oz) 90 60 500 144 794 12 19 115 68 26 230 144 15 155 1098 247 406 444 146 468 170 2983 537 1263 1182 2100 500 1099 491 18.0% 42.3% 39.6% 23.7% 53.3% 23.4%

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