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Grace Fellowship Church

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1 Grace Fellowship Church
Title Page Below are some simple instructions on how to use this template: 1. You can change the text in the graphical screen above or in the outline area to the left. 2. There is one default background that is indicated by “ ” .This slide acts as a space or a blank screen, use to clear or blank the screen. If you have a large graphic such as a map you could also use this screen. If you insert a new slide you will get this default background. 3. The first five slides have the other backgrounds for the set. To use more than one of these background types in your presentation highlight the one you wish to use and choose copy from the edit menu. Paste this slide where you want it to appear in your presentation, then change the text on this new slide. By copy/pasting the slide in this manor you will keep the background, text formatting and the customized animation from that slide. By using the copy/paste method you find it saves you time and keeps a consistent look through out your presentation. 4.There are a few additional notes written in the slide text wording that may be helpful. Note: We are working on a website that in the future will provide help topics on using sermon outlines in PowerPoint as well as provide sermon templates similar to this one. Check for more information. Pastor/Teacher - Jim Rickard Tuesday, February 2, 2010

2 Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.—Amen.

3 Memory Verse John 15:13, “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”

4 John 15:2 Suffering for Blessing Part 5

5 A. Introduction: Suffering acts as a guardian or parent in life. B
A. Introduction: Suffering acts as a guardian or parent in life. B. Suffering is used as a measure ment of life. C. Suffering for Blessing Rationale. D. Five categories of suffering in the spiritual life.

6 E. Definition of the three stages of Spiritual Adulthood and accompanying Suffering for Blessing. F. Suffering and Spiritual Adulthood.

7 E. Definition of the three stages of Spiritual Adulthood. 1
E. Definition of the three stages of Spiritual Adulthood. 1. Spiritual Self-Esteem (SSE) 2. Spiritual Autonomy (SA) 3. Spiritual Maturity (SM)

8 3. Spiritual Maturity (SM) a) SM is the max
3. Spiritual Maturity (SM) a) SM is the max. expression of the grace of God, utilized by the spiritually mature believer.

9 b) It is cognitive independence, which is max
b) It is cognitive independence, which is max. perception, metabolization, and accurate application of Bible doctrine to life.

10 c) It is independent of any form of advice, counseling, or human encouragement, but not independent of expository Bible teaching from his right Pastor-Teacher.

11 d) He’s an invisible hero who brings max
d) He’s an invisible hero who brings max. glory to God, living the supergrace life. Phil 1:20‑21

12 e) The SM believer can meet and face every problem in life with a max
e) The SM believer can meet and face every problem in life with a max. amount of inner happiness. The book of Job.

13 4. Summary:

14 a) SSE is characterized by renewing of your mind
a) SSE is characterized by renewing of your mind. b) SA is characterized by cognitive self-confidence. c) SM is characterized by cognitive independence.

15 SSE + PPS = SA + MT = SM + ET = Glorification of God. John 15:2-8

16 G. Providential Preventative Suffering

17 1. PPS is the first category of Suffering for Blessing
1. PPS is the first category of Suffering for Blessing. From the context of 2 Cor 12:7‑8, it can be called thorn testing.

18 2. It performs several functions.

19 2. It performs several functions
2. It performs several functions. a) It insulates against the arrogance complex.

20 2. It performs several functions
2. It performs several functions. b) It is warm‑up testing before entering Momentum Testing under SA which has four types of tests.

21 Four Warm Up Tests 1) People testing, 2) Thought testing, 3) System testing, 4) Disaster testing.

22 c) It breeds contentment, as you apply the Faith Rest Technique, with your own inability to handle suffering from your flesh, (i.e., weaknesses).

23 Weaknesses – ASTHENEIA= “weakness, frailty, sickness, illness”
Weaknesses – ASTHENEIA= “weakness, frailty, sickness, illness”. The inability of the human flesh to solve the problems of Suffering for Blessings.

24 Four tests found in 2 Cor 12:10.

25 Grace Fellowship Church Tuesday, February 2, Tape # Suffering for Blessing, Pt 5 Providential Preventative Suffering, Pt 1 Upper Room Discourse, Part John 15:2-8; 2 Cor 12:9-10; Rom 6: James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010

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