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Mock exams week starting 5th January Results Day: Monday 23rd January

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Presentation on theme: "Mock exams week starting 5th January Results Day: Monday 23rd January"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mock exams week starting 5th January Results Day: Monday 23rd January
Important Dates Mock exams week starting 5th January Results Day: Monday 23rd January

2 Revision: Why, when & how

3 Students who know more do better in exams
Why Revise? Students who know more do better in exams

4 Why Revise? Students who know more do better in exams
Students who revise know more than those who don’t

5 Why Revise? Students who know more do better in exams
Students who revise know more than those who don’t Students who know how to revise do it more effectively

6 Rubbish excuses I have heard …
“It’s too early to start yet” “It’s too late to start now” It is never too late to revise – a little knowledge is better than none. If you have not done enough preparation then prioritise your remaining time by: Focusing on subjects in which a pass is most likely Identify key areas with the subject

7 Rubbish excuses I have heard
“No-one else has started revising” “Revision is boring. It’s just staring at a book” “I can revise and listen to music or watch the television” “All I can do is my best, I don’t need to revise”

8 Where will you revise? or

9 Get away from distractions!

10 You need to plan your revision
What works best ?

11 Revision timetable A revision timetable will help you plan your time and achieve the most - avoid last minute panics and cramming. Be honest & realistic – do you work best in the mornings, afternoons or evenings?. Plan in breaks for regular hobbies. Incentivise & reward. Keep each session between 45 – 60 minutes max

12 During the PSHE days you will all receive log-in details for your GetRevising account

13 What is Get Revising? Get Revising is a website that helps students to learn and revise together. It helps you to get organised, learn from other students and prepare for your exams. In a nutshell, on Get Revising you can: Organise your study life: create an interactive, personal study calendar that helps to prepare for homework deadlines and exams Create smart study resources: such as mind maps, flashcards, quizzes and more Get help fast: by searching our 190,000 study resources covering all subjects at GCSE, A-level, IB and Scottish Highers

14 Getting organised Balancing studying with your hobbies can be tough. We created the Study Planner to help you plan your studies around your life. The Study Planner: Makes sure you know when your deadlines are Books in enough time to meet your deadline Prioritises the subjects you find difficult Is flexible so can be updated at any point Oh, and you can print it and stick in on your wall!

15 Getting creative On Get Revising you can create and share study resources to help teach one another. You can create: Quizzes Mind maps Revision notes Flash cards Crosswords It’s quick and easy to create resources and it gives you a chance to explore different learning styles.

16 Finding help On Get Revising it’s easy to find help. We have 190,000 student made resources covering all subjects and topics. You can filter on the left hand side by subject, resource type (quiz, set of revision notes, crossword etc.) and exam board to get the help you need.

17 Past papers On Get Revising you can find the right past paper in seconds using our smart tool. If you’re unsure of your exam board just ask your teacher!

18 Don’t forget … Identify what you need to revise and when you’re going to do it – write a timetable & stick to it! Find somewhere comfortable & quiet to revise. Work in 25-30min sessions – longer can be counter-productive Sleep sensibly & eat well Schedule time for YOU e.g. relaxation, social, exercise Be aware of procrastination... Ask for help/advice from your teachers

19 Revision techniques

20 Visual Learners: Maps Posters Charts Spider diagrams Cartoons
Summary notes Mental pictures Mind maps

21 Exchange ideas with your friends Play quiet, relaxing background music
Auditory Learners: Record ideas Say keywords aloud Tell another person Make a presentation Get someone to test you Exchange ideas with your friends Play quiet, relaxing background music

22 Kinesthetic Learners:
Walk ‘n’ talk Draw cartoons Posters & storyboards Make a model Role play/drama Make a mind map Write a story Annotate diagrams Make cue/flash cards

23 During exam season

24 Look after yourself!! Get plenty of sleep. Avoid time on computers, facebook etc. late at night. Watch your diet. Avoid too much caffeine in tea, coffee, soft drinks etc. Drink water instead.

25 Be Prepared!! Make sure you have the right equipment for your exams:
Only black ball point pens with at least a couple of spares Ruler Rubber Pencils & pencil sharpener Coloured crayons (if appropriate) Calculator etc (if appropriate)

26 Be Prepared Any pencil case should be see-through
Bottled water should have no label on it Before the exam begins make sure you know: Your candidate number Which room you are sitting your exam in & when it starts

27 Exam Rules Line up outside the exam venue & wait to be brought into the room. When you are asked to enter the examination room do so in silence. If you have a question raise your hand - an invigilator will come to you. Follow all of the instructions of your invigilator without question or confrontation. Do not talk to any other student or communicate with them IN ANY WAY whilst in the exam room. Mobile phones & MP3 or MP4 players cannot be brought into the exam room.

28 Stress

29 Six strategies for dealing with stress

30 Step One: Be careful about what you eat and drink
Try to eat a well balanced diet, eating at least three regular meals a day. Eat foods which will release energy slowly and are likely to have a calming effect. Food or drink high in sugar may give you instant energy,  but in the long term may wind you up leaving you feeling more nervy and edgy than you did before. Limit your consumption of caffeine particularly found in tea, coffee, fizzy soft drinks. Excess caffeine tends to heighten arousal and increases "jittery" feelings; it can also impair your concentration and may keep you awake at night.

31 Step Two: Get enough sleep
Make sure that you get plenty of rest; six to eight hours a night are recommended. If getting to sleep is a problem, ensure that you have at least a half an hour break from your revision before going to bed. Use this break to do anything relaxing which will take your mind off your work such as: having a soak in the bath; chatting to your friends; writing a letter; listening to some  music.

32 Step Three: Take regular exercise
Exercising regularly will not only help to keep you physically healthy, but also uses up the hormones and nervous energy produced when you are stressed. Exercise will also help to relax the muscles which become tense when you are stressed, and, as exercise increases the blood flow around the body, it can help you to think more clearly. You do not have to take up a strenuous sport: try swimming, walking, cycling or dancing. Anything that gets you moving around and is enjoyable is beneficial, especially if it involves spending at least half an hour in the fresh air every day.

33 Step Four: Control your breathing
If you notice that you are starting to feel very stressed, for example as you wait for the examination to start, try to regulate your breathing by concentrating on breathing out to a slow count of four; the breathing in will take care of itself. It will be helpful if you practise this exercise when you are not stressed so that you are very familiar with the technique when you need actually need it.

34 Step Five: Make time for fun
Build leisure time into your revision days and the days that you sit your exams. Get involved in a non-academic activity, such as sports, crafts, hobbies or music. Anything that you find relaxing or enjoyable which will give you a break from thinking or worrying about your exams will be beneficial.

35 Step Six: Improve your study skills
Step Six: Talk to someone If you are struggling with exam stress see your Senior Tutor, who can offer practical advice & arrange for you to see a counsellor if appropriate.

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