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_____________________ Les opinions L/O: To be able to give your opinion about things in French leleslal masculinepluralfemenine Begins with a vowel.

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Presentation on theme: "_____________________ Les opinions L/O: To be able to give your opinion about things in French leleslal masculinepluralfemenine Begins with a vowel."— Presentation transcript:

1 _____________________ Les opinions L/O: To be able to give your opinion about things in French leleslal masculinepluralfemenine Begins with a vowel

2 In French, there are 3 ways of saying the lelesla These are called the article and often, we dont use them in English but they are always used in French. Generally, if the word ends in e, it will be feminine and take la. If it doesnt, it will be masculine and take le. The plural words always take les. You can often tell which one to use by looking at the end of the word: Eg/le chat – the catla tortue – the tortoise (feminine) les chats – the catsles tortues – the tortoises (feminine) Be careful, because if a singular word starts with a vowel then the article will be l l

3 Can you work out which word for the these words will take? Eg/ La tortue 1.___ chien9. ___livres 2.___ famille10. ___ jupe 3.___ arbre11. ___ cahiers 4.___ garçon12. ___ oiseau 5.___ fête13. ___ étoiles 6.___ filles14. ___ bouche 7.___ règle15. ___ hamsters 8.___ animal16. ___ stylo Finished? Well done! Now can you use the dictionary to find out what these words mean? Write them next to it.

4 In French, to say that you like something, you use the verb aimer. Jaime Jaime beaucoup Je naime pas I like… I really like… I dont like…

5 les chiensles serpentsmon professeur mon frèrele chocolatles fleurs bleula musique popUsher BalhamArsenalle français Eastendersles fruitsles bonbons Now try and make up some sentences in French using the opinion verbs and these words:


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