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What is included in your G.P.A.? Graduation Requirements Senior Responsibilities School Counselor Responsibilities Important Reminders

3 What is included in your G.P.A.?
Go to BHS Website for calculations ( The only courses included are English, Math, Science, History, World Language, and any Elective that is designated with AP or CP within the title. Courses designated AP and Honors are weighted more heavily because they are more rigorous.

4 Graduation Requirements in the State of New Jersey
4 YEARS OF ENGLISH (Total of 20 Credits) PE AND HEALTH (INCLUDING DRIVERS ED) 3 YEARS OF MATH (Algebra 1, Geometry, & Algebra 2) (Total of 15 Credits) SCIENCE (Biology, Environmental or Chemistry or Physics and one additional Lab Science Course) (Total of 15/more Credits) HISTORY (INCLUDING World History, US History 1, and US History 2) (Total of 15 Credits) 1 YEAR OF A WORLD LANGUAGE (Total of 5 Credits) (Most 4 Year College Require 2 years of the same language) 1 YEAR OF A PRACTICAL ART (Total 5 Credits) 1 YEAR OF A FINE ART (Total 5 Credits) ½ YEAR OF FINANCIAL LITERACY (Total 2.5 Credits) 120 TOTAL CREDITS NEEDED TO GRADUATE

5 Senior Responsibilities
Required Paperwork -FERPA Form (Records Release document) -Resume -Student Assessment Survey -Teacher Recommendations College Applications & Essays SAT’s, ACT’s and Important Information

6 Student/Parent Login – connection/auth/login/?hsid=bloomfield User Name is your school Password – Six digit birthdate

7 Student/Parent Login for

8 FERPA – Record Release Form
mfield/BHS/docs/record_release_and_waiver_1.pdf FERPA Link:

9 Create Your Resume You Can Find the Resume Builder on the “About Me” Tab in the Section “Interesting Things About Me” RESUME TAB

10 Self Assessment College Survey
Click on the “About Me” Tab Mandatory Self Assessement Survey Located on the Left Hand Navigation Bar is Required for Counselor Recommendation Letter Student Fills Out the On-Line Survey Student Assessment Survey link

11 Teacher Recommendations~ Student Input
Form Available on Family Connection Home Page on the Left Hand Navigation Bar Under Links Required for Teacher Recommendation Letters Students Verbally Request Recommendation from Teachers Look Under Links for Important Information.. Teacher Recommendation Form

12 Closer Look…Teacher Recommendation Form

13 How to Manage Teacher Recommendations
You Must Select the Teachers that Agreed to Writer Your Letter of Recommendation. Then, Write an as a Thank You to that Teacher Finally, Select “All Applications” (This is Very Important) so that their letter will go out to all of your applications.

14 “All Applications” Should Click This!
Closer View…. Important to Select “All” Colleges I’m Applying to, because the Teacher will only have to Upload Your Letter of Recommendation 1 time. If You Choose to Select Individual Colleges, You Teachers will have to Upload their Letter of Recommendations for Each College. “All Applications” Should Click This!

15 Prep to Apply to College
Complete the Following Documents -FERPA Form (Once Completed, give to your Counselor) Student Assessment Survey (Once completed, your counselor so that she can write your personal Letter of Recommendation) -Teacher Survey (Once completed, ask 2 teachers to write a Letter of Recommendation for you; which will be uploaded to Naviance). Write Your College Essay -Have your English Teacher proof your essay Create Your Resume (Found in Naviance under “About Me” tab)

16 Applying to College When you have completed your College Application or Common Application you move your list to: “College Tab” then “College I’m Applying To” Be sure to check the box, “I have submitted my application”….this generates the Transcript Request.

17 How Are My Transcripts Sent?
Transcripts are Requested When You Indicate You Have Submitted Your Application ~ See Arrow Application Submitted ?


19 WWW.COMMONAPP.ORG Only create 1 account
You need to match your colleges within Naviance using the that you used to create your Common App account. Watch This Video…

20 NCAA Eligibility Center-
NCAA Checklist… Create account Complete registration NCAA LINKS

21 SAT’s & ACT’s Things to Remember!
SAT’s: ( ACT’s: ( Student must register for SAT and ACT and are responsible for sending your scores to their perspective colleges. If you qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch please inform your Counselor. Be mindful of the registration dates for both SAT and ACT.

22 Finding Our BHS Scholarship Board
Scholarships at BHS Our Scholarship Board is located in the Counseling Office (Refer to Photo) You Will Find Lists of Scholarships Available, if Interested then Look for the Corresponding Number from the List to the Folders that Contain the Applications ~Good Luck!

23 Deadlines...So Important!
Keeping to Deadlines is Essential to This Process! There is a 10 day Rule for Requesting Transcripts from Your Counselor! (The 10 days excludes Non School Days, Weekends, and Holidays)

24 Stay Connected…REMIND FOR PARENTS
How to receive a text message from Mr. Jennings…Get Your Phone! In a text To: (In the Body of the Text) Hit Send You will receive an acceptance from Remind to ensure you will receive important messages.



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