Plant Diversity II: Evolution of Seed Plants AP Biology Crosby High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Diversity II: Evolution of Seed Plants AP Biology Crosby High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Diversity II: Evolution of Seed Plants AP Biology Crosby High School

2 Evolution of Seed Plants Evolution of Seed Plants Gametophyte becomes dependent on Sporophyte Seed: packaged sporophyte embryo w/ food supply in protective coat Seed plants are heterosporous Ovule –Female gametophyte develops inside and produce egg –When fertilized by sperm zygote becomes sporophyte and creates seed

3 Gymnosperms Ginkgophyta Phylum Cycadophyta: resemble palms Phyum Gnetophyta: –Welwitschia: giant strap like leaves –Gnetum: tropical trees and vines –Ephedra: (Mormon tea) shrub in American desert Phylum Coniferophyta Phylum Coniferophyta

4 Angiosperms All are phylum Anthophyta Monocot, dicot, or eudicot Tracheid, vessel elements, fiber cells Tracheid, vessel elements, fiber cells Flower: angiosperm reproductive structure –4 circles of modified leaves 4 circles of modified leaves4 circles of modified leavesSepalsPetalsStamensCarpel

5 Fruit Mature ovary Types: –Simple fruit –Aggregate fruit –Multiple fruit Dispersal: –Burrs –Edible fruit

6 Angiosperm Life Cycle Angiosperm Life Cycle Some self-pollinate, others ensure cross- pollination One sperm fuses w/ egg, the other with 2 central nuclei After Double Fertilization –Zygote develops into sporophyte –Triploid nucleus creates endosperm

7 Life Cycle Life Cycle

8 Xylem Cells

9 Parts of a Flower

10 Conifer Life Cycle Conifer Life Cycle

11 Gametophyte to Sporophyte

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