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KINDS OF PLANTS. NONVASCULAR PLANTS Mosses are often found next to streams, coastlines and other moist places. They will can be found in odd places as.

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Presentation on theme: "KINDS OF PLANTS. NONVASCULAR PLANTS Mosses are often found next to streams, coastlines and other moist places. They will can be found in odd places as."— Presentation transcript:


2 NONVASCULAR PLANTS Mosses are often found next to streams, coastlines and other moist places. They will can be found in odd places as well, such as city sidewalks. Anywhere moisture collects you will find mosses, because mosses are examples of Nonvascular plants.

3 KEY FEATURES Nonvascular plants include lack of roots stems and leaves. They also have the following features that have allowed them to live on land Small Size: water and nutrients transported by osmosis Larger gametophytes: Hair like rhizoids anchor the gametophytes to the surfaces on which they grow Require water for sexual reproduction: Must be covered by water for fertilization to occur

4 KINDS OF NONVASCULAR PLANTS Mosses: Phylum Bryophyta Liverworts: Phylum Hepatophyta Hornworts: Phylum Anthocerophyta

5 SEEDLESS VASCULAR PLANTS These are a diverse set of vascular plants that do NOT produce seeds. Key features include: Vascular system: contain both xylem and phloem. Larger sporophyte: instead of seeds they have spores that get carried with the wind. Need water for reproduction Drought resistant spores: Thickened walls of the spores are resistant to drying out. Plants can live in drier habitats.

6 KINDS OF SEEDLESS VASCULAR PLANTS Ferns: Phylum Pterophyta Club Mosses: Phylum Lycophyta Horsetails: Phylum Sphenophyta Whisk Ferns: Phylum Psioltophyta

7 GYMNOSPERMS Seed plants whose seeds do not develop within a sealed container (fruit) features include: Seeds: Seeds protect plant embryo, provide nutrient and permit them to survive Reduced gametophytes: Produce male and female gametophytes. Wind Pollination: Sperm of gymnosperms do not swim through water to reach and fertilize eggs. Sperm are carried to the structures by pollen which can drift on the wind.

8 KINDS OF GYMNOSPERMS Conifers: Phylum: Coniferophyta Cycads: Phylum Cycadophyta Ginkgo: Phylum Ginkgophyta Gnetophytes: Phylum Gnetophyta

9 ANGIOSPERMS Most recent groups of plants to evolve, flowering plant with seeds that are enclosed within a fruit. Features include: Flowers: Male and female gametophytes develop within the flowers. Fruits: Provide some protection, main function is to promote seed dispersal by animals. Endosperm: seeds have supply of food stored as endosperm. Will be absorbed before seeds mature

10 KINDS OF ANGIOSPERMS Monocots: flowering plants that produce seeds with one seed leaf (cotyledon) Dicots: Flowering plants that produce seeds with two seed leafs

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