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Kindergarten Parent InfoRmation Night! *Sign up for a conference time with your name and child’s name over by the water fountain.

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Presentation on theme: "Kindergarten Parent InfoRmation Night! *Sign up for a conference time with your name and child’s name over by the water fountain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kindergarten Parent InfoRmation Night! *Sign up for a conference time with your name and child’s name over by the water fountain

2 Your kids are awesome!

3 Paige Edwards Kindergarten Teacher Room 201 W.T. Francisco Elementary ❖ Conference Times ➢ 12:45-1:25 ➢ after/before school by appointment ❖ My Phone: 817-547-1779 ➢ You will reach voicemail during the day. ❖ Office Phone: 817-547-1700 ➢ Leave message to schedule a conference. ❖ Email: ➢ The best way to reach me is by email. Per school policy, I will try to respond to you within 24 hours. ❖ Remind101 ➢ Quick text messages to/from Ms. Edwards ➢ Sign up through text message or the app

4 Our Class Schedule Announcements and intro to the day 8:10 – 8:20 ELAR/SLAR Writing workshop 8:20 – 9:00 Extra Pull out and SS integration 8:50 – 9:20 ELAR/SLAR reading workshop 9:20 – 10:40 Lunch* 10:45 - 11:15 Recess 11:15 – 11:35 Math 11:45-12:35 and 2:00 – 2:30 Specials 12:40 – 1:30 Roar 1:30 – 2:00 Science 2:30 - 3:15 Pack up and Dismissal 3:15 – 3:25 *You may come and eat with only your child after checking in at the office. :)

5 Our Specials Schedule MondayP.E.Wear tennis shoes!!! TuesdayMusic/Computer or Library* WednesdayP.E.Wear tennis shoes!!!! ThursdayMusic/Computer or Library FridayP.E./MusicWear tennis shoes!!! *Computer and library alternate every other week Art Team comes to the schools about every 4 weeks to do an art activity with the kids.

6 Attendance Policy ❖ 10 days (limit before you have to register your child for school again) ➢ Call school if contagious ❖ 3 tardies = 1 absence ➢ Enter class at 8:00am ➢ Tardy after 8:10am - child must go to office for a tardy slip

7 Discipline Policy ❖ Color chart ➢ Purple = Outstanding Student ■ Smiley face ➢ Blue = Excellent Effort ■ Smiley face ➢ Green = Ready to Learn ■ Everyone starts here everyday ■ Smiley face ➢ Yellow = Make a better choice/Warning ■ No smiley face ➢ Orange = Teacher Conference ■ No smiley face/sad face ➢ Red = Call to Parents ■ No smiley face/sad face

8 Positive Reinforcement! :) ❖ Warm N’ Fuzzies (pom-pom glued on a popsicle stick) ❖ Owliver the Owl ❖ GoNoodle Points ❖ Sticker at the end of the day on their locker

9 Dress to Impress! ❖ Tuesdays - Dress to Impress - nice clothes ❖ Wednesdays - Dress to Impress - nice clothes ❖ Thursdays - College T-shirt ❖ Fridays - School Spirit T-shirt

10 Your Child’s Take-Home Binder ❖ Your child must bring this to school every day!!! :) ❖ Behavior Expectation Page ➢ Our class mission statement ➢ Our 3 main classroom rules ➢ Meanings of the color chart ❖ Planner ➢ Each day will have the smiley face, warning face, or sad face. ➢ If they did not get a smiley face, I will write why in the planner. ➢ Please initial each day so that I know you saw how your child behaved each day. *I will call if I do not see it! :) ❖ W.T. Lion folder ➢ Return to School pocket - permission forms, notes to teacher, etc. ■ I check this everyday. ➢ Keep at Home pocket - your child’s work, newsletters, etc.

11 Homework Policy ❖ More to come! ❖ Sent home Monday night ❖ To be completed and brought home by Friday ❖ If more homework is seen in their folder during the week, this is work that was not completed during school and your student may just need a little help. :) ❖ More to come on practicing letter identification, letter sounds, kindergarten sight words, and reading from book bag every night.

12 Book Bags ❖ Students get a new assigned book bag every Monday. ❖ They need to bring it to school and take it home in their backpacks every day. ❖ Each night they should read the book to someone.

13 Field Trips ❖ More to come! ❖ Haltom City Fire Department ❖ Fort Worth Zoo ❖ Haltom City Library ❖ Field Day ❖ Background check to be chaperone

14 Dismissal ❖ Bring the card with you. :) ❖ This helps us stay safe and efficient when getting your children home.

15 Our Class Newsletter ❖ Occasionally, you will receive a grade level newsletter. It may include: ➢ Upcoming class and school events ➢ Deadlines, due dates, reminders ➢ Any other important information ➢ Notes from administrators (principal, counselor, etc.)

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