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TEST # 1 (2 nd Half) Friday, 14 March 2014 (later this week) Covers only “Music of the Middle East” (chapter 3) Written only (no listening) Counts for.

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Presentation on theme: "TEST # 1 (2 nd Half) Friday, 14 March 2014 (later this week) Covers only “Music of the Middle East” (chapter 3) Written only (no listening) Counts for."— Presentation transcript:

1 TEST # 1 (2 nd Half) Friday, 14 March 2014 (later this week) Covers only “Music of the Middle East” (chapter 3) Written only (no listening) Counts for 50% of Test # 1 (on syllabus)

2 Indonesia

3 Paris World’s Fair (1889)

4 Paris World’s Fair (main promenade)

5 Indonesian Dancers

6 Dutch Exhibition at 1889 Paris World’s Fair From a Dutch magazine describing the “colonial exhibition” at the Paris World’s Fair (1889).

7 Gamelan (1889 Paris World’s Fair)

8 Columbian Exposition (Chicago, 1893)

9 Java Village (“Dutch Settlement”) at Columbian Exposition

10 Columbia Exposition (1893)

11 Chicago Gamelan

12 Gamelan Instruments Struck Idiophones (majority / most important) - gongs - metalophones - xylophones Membranophone – a few Chordophone – very few Aerophone – very few

13 Three Basic Layers Balungen = “Nuclear Melody” – the basic “tune” (played one pitch per beat) [“skeletal melody” in textbook] “Colotomic Structure” = “metrical structure” of Balungen (marked at end by largest gong) “Elaboration” = fastest moving upper parts, division of the Baungen into smaller units

14 Nuclear Melody (Sarons & Slentem) Slentem YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Saron

15 TUNINGS & SCALES SLENDRO (front) = 5 notes (pentatonic) CDEGA (or use piano black keys) PELOG (side) = 7 notes (sounds “minor”) EFGB b BCD

16 Colotomic Structure of BUBARAN 1234 5678 9101112 13141516

17 Gong ageng marks “Gongan” 12341234 56785678 9101112 131415GONG

18 Gong ageng (largest suspended) Ex: YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & KempulYouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & Kempul

19 Kenong marks “kenongan” 123Kenong 567Kenong 91011Kenong 131415 GONG Kenong

20 Kenong (largest cradled gong) Ex: YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques – Kenong (start 1:45)YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques – Kenong

21 Kempul divides “Gatra” 1 Kempul3Kenong 5 Kempul 7Kenong 9 Kempul11Kenong 13 Kempul 15GONG Kenong

22 Kempul (smaller suspended) Ex: YouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & KempulYouTube - Central Javanese Gamelan Playing Techniques - Gong & Kempul

23 Ketuk punctuates odd beats Ketuk KempulKetukKenong Ketuk Kempul KetukGONG Kenong

24 Ketuk (small cradled gong) Ex: YouTube - Gamelan - Kempyang & KetukYouTube - Gamelan - Kempyang & Ketuk

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