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Community Benefit: Tobacc-NO Jack Richards, Cade Mersch, Riliegh Owens, Halle Lindsey, Georgia McCrady.

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Presentation on theme: "Community Benefit: Tobacc-NO Jack Richards, Cade Mersch, Riliegh Owens, Halle Lindsey, Georgia McCrady."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community Benefit: Tobacc-NO Jack Richards, Cade Mersch, Riliegh Owens, Halle Lindsey, Georgia McCrady

2 Project Summary: Tobacc-no ● Petition to increase price of tobacco ● Custom PSAs and social media to generate exposure ● Goal: Decrease the percentage of middle and high schoolers who use tobacco products and to get congress to raise the price of tobacco products. ● The funding requested for our project is $0.00.

3 Identified Need Kentucky has one of the highest smoking rates of any state in the U.S. As of 2014, 26.2% of the population in Kentucky used tobacco, with this percentage being even higher in Western Kentucky (CDC) The rate of lung cancer in Kentucky is high as well: 97.5 out of every 100,000 people have lung or bronchus cancer (CDC & National Cancer Institute) 24.6% of teens in 2014 had used any sort of tobacco product (CDC)




7 Project Description We will begin by making a series of videos that rely on scare-tactics to shock viewers. Once we have completed the videos we plan to go to local high schools and middle schools to raise awareness of our petition. The goal of the petition is to raise the price of all tobacco products in order to make them harder to get.

8 How Will Our Project Help? The first way we will help is to get teenagers to see the effects that come along with smoking and using tobacco products. The use of tobacco products among teens has increased continuously (CDC). We will also use a petition to get congress to increase the cost of tobacco products.

9 Implementation and Possible Issues Petition for a higher tax rate on tobacco products Success of this relies upon the success of our marketing PSAs posted on social media The videos may flop Posters and flyers in local schools They may be ignored

10 Timeline March Create presentations and present to expert panels (3/31) April Begin filming PSAs Talk to administrators of high schools and set up presentation date Begin Spreading of survey May (or before school ends) Begin presenting to schools

11 Funding For our project we will not need any funds. However, the grant of $500.00 could be implemented to make the videos that much more effective.

12 Conclusion We feel our project will be a great success. Success will be measured in two ways. The first will obviously be if Congress takes up the issue of our petition. The second way we will measure success is if teen smoking rates drop, especially in this area, we will be able to say that we helped cause it. With a $0.00 budget, a clear problem that needs to be solved, and an obvious idea of what we want to accomplish, we feel our projection has a great chance of success.

13 Sources rding=Form&rdDashboardTabs=HLR_TOB_Adult

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