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American College of Physicians - A Professional Home for Hospitalists November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "American College of Physicians - A Professional Home for Hospitalists November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 American College of Physicians - A Professional Home for Hospitalists November 2015

2 2 American College of Physicians - Who we are ACP is a diverse community of internal medicine specialists and subspecialists united by a commitment to excellence. ACP members rely on ACP for world-class education, standard-setting, and the sharing of knowledge to advance the science and practice of internal medicine.

3 3 What unites ACP Members ACP members are internists who are… Proud of our profession Compassionate caregivers Skilled and trusted clinicians Teachers Lifelong learners Passionate about improving patient outcomes and public health Dedicated to improving the health care system Leaders

4 4 ACP supports what internists value ACP was referred to in a May 2015 article in The Lancet as the “conscience of the medical profession”. ACP and its members are focused first and foremost on improving patient care. ACP members are working to effect change and shape the future of the profession. ACP members are helping one another sustain their passion for medicine during a period of unprecedented change.

5 5 ACP Hospitalist Members Hospital medicine in the U.S. is currently dominated by internal medicine physicians, while family physicians and pediatricians are also increasingly selecting hospital medicine careers. Nearly 9,000 ACP members define themselves as hospitalists. Another 1,600 are general internists who work exclusively in an in-patient environment.

6 Equipping hospitalists to excel

7 7 Key ACP brands for hospitalists ACP Clinical Guidelines ACP Leadership Academy ACP Career Connection


9 9 Trust the best to do your best! MKSAP 17 prepares hospitalists for the ABIM MOC Internal Medicine and Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine exams. Hospital Medicine content is highlighted throughout 336 hospitalist-focused multiple choice questions Create custom quizzes based on hospital-medicine content A great way to earn up to 200 MOC points and CME ACP members save $280 on MKSAP 17 Available in print and digital formats

10 10 ACP Clinical Recommendations ACP provides three types of clinical recommendations Clinical Practice Guidelines – based on best available evidence Clinical Guidance Statements – when there is no conclusive evidence Best Practice Advice


12 The premier event for internal medicine with over 200 educational sessions in internal medicine and its subspecialties An excellent way to fulfill your CME and MOC points requirements Dedicated Hospital Medicine Track Up to 31 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits Waxman Clinical Skills Center – a dynamic collection of hands-on learning and interactive self-study

13 13 Access the most important articles from the world's top medical journals Free member benefit Reviews 130 of the world’s top medical journals Customized journal surveillance service based on specialty, clinical relevance and quality ratings Alerts you to the most clinically relevant, new articles based on your preferences Online and mobile optimized Share alerts with your peers, and follow what they are reading


15 15 ACP and McGraw Hill Systems of Care Medical Consultation and Co-Management Clinical Problem-Solving in Hospital Medicine Approach to the Patient at the Bedside Hospitalist Skills Clinical Conditions

16 Professional and career development opportunities for hospitalists

17 17 Professional Accountability  ACP recognizes the medical profession's responsibility to ensure quality medical care and supports the concept of lifelong learning and the need for ongoing physician accountability. ACP’s Professional Accountability Principles outline the important attributes and standards for any organization that is involved in assuring physician accountability.

18 18 ACP Advocates to Improve MOC Process  ACP is working aggressively to address the concerns about ABIM’s MOC program expressed by our members. Based on ACP’s accountability principles and the feedback from ACP members, advocacy efforts with ABIM have focused on the need for MOC to be more relevant, more valuable, less burdensome, and less time- consuming.

19 19 Meet ABIM’s MOC requirements Understand ABIM’s MOC process Earn Medical Knowledge and Practice Assessment MOC points through ACP Prepare for ABIM’s MOC exams in Internal Medicine and Hospital Medicine – MKSAP 17, MOC exam prep via live courses and recordings

20 20 ACP Leadership Academy Prepare yourself for a leadership role in your organization and in the greater healthcare environment ACP in partnership with the American Association for Physician Leadership Courses on strategic thinking, financial decision-making, managing physician performance, marketing, ethics, and more Live meetings, faculty-led online courses and self-study modules, free Webinars Earn CME and credit towards advanced degrees in medical management.

21 21 Become an advocate for internal medicine and for your patients Join 8,000 internist colleagues in ACP’s Advocates for Internal Medicine Network Ensure that the voice of internal medicine hospitalists is heard on Capitol Hill and in the state houses Receive legislative alerts through ACP’s Legislative Action Center and get the information you need to make informative contacts with your members of Congress Follow and contribute to the award winning ACP Advocate blog ACP Leadership Day 2015

22 22 ACP Fellowship Credential - FACP ACP Fellowship represents the pinnacle of integrity, professionalism, and scholarship for those who aspire to careers in Internal Medicine FACP is a distinction earned from physician colleagues to recognize the accomplishments and achievements of internists who have made significant contributions to medicine and the broader community. You may already qualify for ACP Fellowship.

23 Stand with your colleagues. Become a member of the ACP community.

24 24 How do you define professional responsibility? By supporting the advancement of science? By remaining abreast of best practices? By speaking up for patients and colleagues to improve our health care system? By honoring your mentors and guiding your successors?

25 How can you contribute? If you see your place among the best internal medicine specialists and subspecialists, and accept responsibility for improving yourself and our profession, please consider joining ACP today.

26 Thank you for your attention. Follow ACP on -

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