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Sociological Factors in the Diversified Family. Class Patterns tend to correlate with class Middle Class- Symmetrical (conjugal roles shared equally in.

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Presentation on theme: "Sociological Factors in the Diversified Family. Class Patterns tend to correlate with class Middle Class- Symmetrical (conjugal roles shared equally in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sociological Factors in the Diversified Family

2 Class Patterns tend to correlate with class Middle Class- Symmetrical (conjugal roles shared equally in home) Lower gender inequality Working/Upper Class Segregated conjugal roles Men have more power and control over women

3 Class and Parenting Middle Class Deliberate parenting Actively Foster individual talents opinions and skills Ex. Parents question teacher and track progress Working class Natural Growth Children allowed to grow spontaneously and negotiate life on their own. Result Upper/middle invest more resources in children’s development Gain sense of entitlement=economic advantage

4 Ethnicity Differences in Family Size Marriage Roles- Patriarchal, Matriarchal, Symmetrical

5 Ethnicity Ethnically diverse family structures: Ethnicity and Race are powerful social forces that can affect family life but please keep in mind that members of any group may not fit a single stereotype Asian – most Asian households are built on the nuclear model though they do tend to encourage extended family forms. Cohabitation is rare, and marrying young is normal though sometimes arranged

6 U.S. Families: Class, Race and Ethnicity Latino Families Tend to enjoy the support of extended families to exercise a good deal of control over their children’s courtship viewing marriage as an alliance of families, not just a union based on romantic love Families promotes conventional gender roles like machismo (strength, daring and sexual conquest for men) Traditional male authority over women has lessened

7 U.S. Families: Class, Race and Gender African American Families Higher rate of economic disadvantage 3X as likely as whites to be poor Parents and children are likely to experience unemployment and a dangerous physical environment of crime and drug abuse Especially likely to be single-parent or female-headed families

8 Age Refers to differences between generations What are differences between 1940 vs 2016? Experience of Young Couple with Infant vs elderly couple without children

9 Family Size Family size in pre industrial societies based on class Lower class=larger family Modern industrial societies has seen continual decrease in family size Extension of childhood No longer economic asset Careers over kids Contraception

10 Life cycle of the Family Number of factors may influence diversification of families Variation is greatly affected by its place in the life cycle of the family Family life is dynamic

11 Pre-Family Young adults leaving family of origin Independent life state distinguished modern family life from previous eras Geographically Residentially socially

12 Family Developmental stage Defined roles Parents/grandparents Evolving statuses Ranges entire family life Dependent children-independent children Encompasses all family types

13 Post Family Boomerang kids phenomenon Adult children leave and return Why Family formation is not Linear

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