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Do-Now!  Take an article from the front of the room  Read article and prepare to discuss.

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Presentation on theme: "Do-Now!  Take an article from the front of the room  Read article and prepare to discuss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-Now!  Take an article from the front of the room  Read article and prepare to discuss


3 Mandatory Fitness Education?  MSNBC Reports on Lincoln University’s BMI Policy… MSNBC Reports on Lincoln University’s BMI Policy…  What do you think of this policy?  Are you required to take a Physical Education (type) class at any of the colleges/universities you have applied to? Do you agree or disagree with the policy?

4 Components of Fitness  List activities that would fall under each of the 5 components of fitness!  Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Body Composition  Flexibility

5 Components of Fitness  Cardiorespiratory Endurance:  The ability of the heart, lungs, and vascular system to deliver oxygen-rich blood to working muscles during sustained physical activity.  Cardiorespiratory endurance is needed to maintain cardiovascular health.

6 Improving Cardiorespiratory Fitness  Aerobic:  Any activity that uses large muscle groups, is rhythmic in nature, and can be maintained continuously for at least 10 minutes, 3 times a day or for 20 to 30 minutes at one time  Examples of Aerobic Activities: Running, cycling, dancing, swimming  Anaerobic:  Intense short bursts of activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce energy without using oxygen  Examples of Anaerobic Activities: Running 100-meter dash, lifting weights

7 Cardiorespiratory Endurance  Resting Heart Rate  Take RHR first thing in the morning.  Take RHR on radial artery (wrist) or corotid artery (neck)  Average RHR for males=55-85  Average RHR for females=60-100  Athletes RHR may be lower  Target Heart Rate  Desired range of HR reached during exercise which enables the heart and lungs to receive the most benefit from a workout.  The ideal intensity level at which your heart is being exercised but not overworked.

8 Heart Rate Calculations  1. Find your RESTING HEART RATE (# of beats in 1 minute):_________  2. Find your Maximum Heart Rate:  220- (Your Age) = _______________  Find your Target Heart Rate: (55-80%)  Maximum Heart Rate ________ x. 55=________  Maximum Heart Rate ________ x.85=________  RANGE ___________ - _____________

9 Components of Fitness  Muscular Strength:  The amount of force a muscle can exert against a heavy resistance.  Muscular Endurance:  The ability of a muscle or muscle group to repeat a movement many times or to hold a particular position for an extended period of time. Both aerobic and anaerobic exercise can improve muscular strength.  Muscular strength is needed for activities that involve lifting, pushing, or jumping and muscular endurance to perform such activities repeatedly

10 Components of Fitness  Flexibility:  The degree to which an individual muscle will lengthen.  Benefits of Flexibility: Increase your athletic performance Help you feel more comfortable Reduce the risk of muscle strains and other injuries Prevent lower back problems

11 Components of Fitness  Body Composition:  The amount of fat in the body compared to the amount of lean mass (muscle, bones, organs etc. ) Percentages over the following put you at risk: Males: 25% Females: 30%  Being physically active and eating a balanced diet can help you avoid health problems with being overweight  Measuring Body Composition: “Pinch Test” with a skinfold caliper (measures the thickness of fat beneath a fold of skin) Body Composition Scales

12 Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index)  BMI- Used to find out if a person is underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese  Underweight = <18.5  Normal weight = 18.5– 24.9  Overweight = 25–29.9  Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

13 Waist-to-Hip Ratio: Body Shape Considered one of the best indicators of health related to weight.

14 Developing a Plan  Assess your fitness level BMI, Heart Rate Check, Push up test, mile walk test, waist circumference check  Design your fitness program Need a plan- consider fitness goals, create a balanced routine, build activity in daily routine, vary activities, allow recovery time, log it.  Get the proper equipment Proper sneakers or shoes, attire, equipment etc.  Get started Start slowly and build up gradually, be creative, listen to your body, be flexible  Monitor progress  Retake fitness assessment after 6 weeks reevaluate plan, set new goals.

15 How to develop a fitness program  FITT Formula  Include each of these elements in your workout  Frequency How often do you do the activity each week  Intensity How hard you work at the activity per session  Time (duration) How much time do you devote to a session  Type Which activities you select

16 Developing a FITNESS GOAL  Write a SMART GOAL for next fall when you begin your college career, pertaining to your fitness.  Consider the following when writing your goal…  Current fitness level  Available time  Facility or equipment availability  Motivation level  Ability to maintain your goal

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