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Male Anatomy Female Anatomy Menstral Cycle BabyPotpourri.

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Presentation on theme: "Male Anatomy Female Anatomy Menstral Cycle BabyPotpourri."— Presentation transcript:

1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Male Anatomy Female Anatomy Menstral Cycle BabyPotpourri

2 The male sex organ

3 Penis

4 Where sperm is produced

5 Testicles

6 The release of seminal fluid is called

7 Ejaculation

8 The removal of foreskin from the end of the penis

9 Circumcision

10 The three area where semen comes from

11 Seminal vesicles, Prostate, Copper gland


13 Vagina

14 The name for an egg

15 ova

16 Female eggs are stored here

17 Ovaries

18 This tube carries urine in the female

19 Urethra

20 These tubes run from the ovaries to the uterus

21 Fallopian Tubes

22 When menstruation starts we say a girl has reached

23 Puberty

24 This occurs when a ripe ovum enters the Fallopian tube

25 Ovulation

26 The Menstrual cycle is usually how many days

27 28

28 When the ovaries stop releasing eggs it is called

29 Menopause

30 The walls of this begin to line or thicken with blood tissue

31 Uterus

32 A fertilized egg is called

33 Embryo

34 When two separate eggs are fertilized the twins are called

35 Fraternal

36 When one egg divides in half and two separate embryos develop the twins are called

37 Identical

38 After eight weeks the Embryo is called

39 Fetus

40 This chemical carries messages eye and skin color, height and weight

41 DNA

42 Another name for the birth canal

43 Vagina

44 What type of cancer is found for men ages 14 - 35

45 Testicular

46 When the muscles of the uterus begin to contract we say the mother has started

47 Labor

48 The neck or opening of the uterus is called

49 Cervix

50 These two hormones are considered female hormones

51 Estrogen - progesterone

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