 A type or category of literature. (biography, autobiography, documentaries, histories, non- fiction narratives, journals/diaries, news articles – newspapers,

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Presentation on theme: " A type or category of literature. (biography, autobiography, documentaries, histories, non- fiction narratives, journals/diaries, news articles – newspapers,"— Presentation transcript:


2  A type or category of literature. (biography, autobiography, documentaries, histories, non- fiction narratives, journals/diaries, news articles – newspapers, magazines, essay, expository essay, persuasive essay, informational article, interview, …)

3  A story of a person’s life told by someone else.

4  A story of a person’s life, told by that person.

5  A short work of nonfiction that deals with one subject. Often found in newspapers and magiazines.

6  A formal essay which is tightly structured and presents information and ideas.

7  Writing that really happened… it is not made up.

8  The author’s reason for creating a particular work (to entertain, to inform, to express an opinion, to persuade readers to believe or do something.)

9  Good feelings associated with a word.

10  Negative feelings associated with a word.

11  First Person Point of View – a person in the story tells the story.  Second Person Point of View – Narrator talks directly to the reader.  Third Person Limited – a narrator from outside the story tells the story but only knows one characters thoughts and feelings.  Third Person Omniscient point of view – narrator tells the story and knows everyone’s thoughts and feelings.

12  Presenting someone else’s work as our own.

13  Main idea of a paragraph or piece of writing.

14  Details that support the main idea.

15  The name of an article or piece of work.

16  The words in highlighted type that begins a new section within an article.

17  Description – provides details or characteristics of something.  Compare / Contrast – the text talks about similarities / differences between 2 or more things.  Order/ Sequence / Chronological – order in which things happen…1..2..3..  Problem / Solution – the text gives information about a problem and explains one or more solutions.  Cause and Effect – the text describes an event (cause) and the effects that follow.


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