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Gay and Lesbian Families A short study in family diversity.

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1 Gay and Lesbian Families A short study in family diversity

2 Gay Families The New Right are unlikely to acknowledge the ‘family’ status of gay and lesbian relationships and whilst tolerating the right to be gay there would be a reluctance to deal with the issue of gay families.

3 Traditional Families? Other commentators such as religious groups and the centre and left of centre political parties formulate their response according to traditional interpretation and emerging public opinion.

4 Progress The Lib Dems and some Labour supporters are keen to have same sex relationship legitimised in order for inheritance rights and next of kin rights to be established. However they fall short of allowing gay marriage - though the tide of opinion is changing. Canada and some areas of USA are moving towards gay marital status....

5 Plumber in 1978 identified three types of relationship.  A similar relationship to a heterosexual couple with one person being more dominant and taking on certain roles within the relationship.   Living separately and concealing the homosexual nature of the relationship   Living together and having certain rules of conduct between each person.   Research has shown that like heterosexuals, gays have similar problems of chastity, loyalty and arguments.

6 Sexual Orientation Cheshire Calhoun 1997 - studied a variety of family forms and concluded the sexual orientation as a form of oppression differed from that of gender oppression. Family ideology contributes to that oppression.


8 Plot Summary for Daddy and Papa (2002)2002 What if your most controversial act turned out to be the most traditional thing in the world? Daddy & Papa explores the growing phenomenon of gay fatherhood and its impact on American culture. Through the stories of four different families, Daddy & Papa delves into some of the particular challenges facing gay men who decide to become dads. From surrogacy and interracial adoption, to the complexities of gay divorce, to the battle for full legal status as parents, Daddy & Papa presents a revealing look at some of the gay fathers who are breaking new ground in the ever-changing landscape of the American family.

9 Feminism and Lesbianism Some feminist writers are against lesbian women forming families because the whole concept of family is a patriarchal and limiting and some even are against lesbians having babies. Calhoun argues that it is the heterosexual relationship that can become patriarchal and limiting and the lesbian families offer the opportunity for women to avoid exploitation and create relationships that are egalitarian.

10 Scapegoats & Moral Panics   Her views are in contrast to the conventional response to gays which sees lesbians as family outlaws whose sexual behaviour runs contrary to the family ideology that lifts the nuclear heterosexual family to great heights.  The anxiety about lesbians is because of the way that the nuclear family is perceived as a fragile institution. They are the ‘scapegoats’. Society has treated them this way because of the fear - largely orchestrated by the new right - that family values were being undermined.

11 Division of Labour Gillian Dunne 1999 did a study of the division of labour in lesbian households and concluded that there was a fair distribution of labour. In 81% of such households neither partner did more than 60% of the household chores. Commenting on this fact the women indicated that because our relationship is not a social norm we have to construct our own rules.

12 Are gays without children a family?  Calhoun argues that gay and lesbian relationships with or without children are just as much family relationships as that of heterosexual couples.   If this is accepted then it is just one more variation of family type and legitimising the relationship would reduce anti- lesbian and anti-gay prejudice.

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