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Frog Production Aquaculture Unit 6 Lesson 2. Objectives  List problems associated with frog production  Describe the requirements of frog products.

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1 Frog Production Aquaculture Unit 6 Lesson 2

2 Objectives  List problems associated with frog production  Describe the requirements of frog products.  Compare diets of tadpoles to those of frogs

3 Questions?

4 Species that are used in production  Bullfrog most popular species for commercial production  Adults may be 8 inches long and weigh as much as 2 lbs

5 Habitat of frogs  Native to the US east of the Rocky Mountains  Shorelines of marshes, swamps, creeks, rivers, lakes and ponds.

6 Seedstock and breeding  Tadpole ponds can be stocked with wild- caught or commercial frogs  Bullfrogs lay eggs in shallow water during March and June  Eggs hatch in 4 days up to 3 weeks depending on temperature  Under cultural operations, tadpoles need constant aeration

7 Culture Method  Metamorphosis from tadpole to frog, 5 months-2 years.  see life-cycle chart in text.  Adult bullfrogs only eat live, moving food  1/4 to 1/2 pound market weight may require a year  Need separate ponds for tadpoles and adults

8 Culture Methods cont.  Ponds should be shallow, but provide food, shelter and hibernation areas  Tadpole ponds should have high algal production  Carnivorous fish must be removed from pond  Ponds must be fenced with a top to reduce predators

9 Stocking Rate  1 inch frog length per gallon of water

10 Feeding  Tadpoles fed indirectly by algae growth through pond fertilization  Adult frogs must have moving food, such as earthworms, flies, crickets and other living frogs  Some producers feed artificial diets

11 Diseases  Hot weather increases chance of diseases  Producers must regularly inspect, disinfect facilities and cull sick frogs

12 Harvesting  Frogs are harvested by hand, hook, net or spear

13 Processing and Marketing  Whole live frogs can be sold for research  Hind legs are marketed to restaurants

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