1 Jason Shepard – Managing Principal – Cresna MCS Bernd Harzog – CEO – OpsDataStore Dave Wagner – CTO – OpsDataStore ITOM 1.1 Application Performance Management.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Jason Shepard – Managing Principal – Cresna MCS Bernd Harzog – CEO – OpsDataStore Dave Wagner – CTO – OpsDataStore ITOM 1.1 Application Performance Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Jason Shepard – Managing Principal – Cresna MCS Bernd Harzog – CEO – OpsDataStore Dave Wagner – CTO – OpsDataStore ITOM 1.1 Application Performance Management (Panel Session)

2 2 Data Center World – Certified Vendor Neutral Each presenter is required to certify that their presentation will be vendor-neutral. As an attendee you have a right to enforce this policy of having no sales pitch within a session by alerting the speaker if you feel the session is not being presented in a vendor neutral fashion. If the issue continues to be a problem, please alert Data Center World staff after the session is complete.

3 3 Application Performance Management (Panel Session) IT blames the code, and developers blame the hardware and configuration. We all know that application performance is best when both are done well. This session will discuss why optimal enterprise application performance is essential to achieving optimal business performance, yet there are multiple approaches to solve the problems.

4 4 The Problems Business critical online services are not as reliable nor do they consistently perform as well as they need to Capacity utilization is too low and spending on capacity is too high – but no one knows a “safe” way to fix this Everyone has many monitoring and capacity tools, but the above problems exist despite the existing toolset Getting information (data) about how IT is operating into the hands of decision makers is very hard As a result, IT Operations is not as agile, responsive and cost effective as it needs to be

5 5 Everyone Has Franken-Monitors Franken-Monitors are redundant siloed management tools that do not integrate with each other and that each store their data in their own proprietary datastores Franken-Monitors happened because customers bought best of breed point tools to address gaps left by IBM, BMC, HP and CA Franken-Monitors cannot cope with the rapid pace of change driven by Agile, DevOps, and hybrid/private clouds Franken-Monitors make it impossible for management to keep up with the pace of innovation With Franken-Monitors there is no architecture for management and monitoring Franken-Monitors cost you revenue, reputation and customer retention

6 6 An Increasing Pace of Innovation, Diversity, Complexity, and Rate of Change at all Layers of the Stack Diversity and rapid change at the application layer Pressure to respond to the business DevOps and Agile More languages and run times More Layers of Abstraction The JVM (the first one) Server virtualization Network virtualization Storage virtualization Docker The Cloud Dynamic and scaled out infrastructure Constant change in the virtualized server, network and storage layers Automation

7 7 You Need an IT Operations Management Architecture

8 8 The Critical Role of APM APM is the ONLY monitoring tool that measures what the users and the business care about (user experience and transaction response time) APM is the ONLY tool that can help you fix code quality issues (bugs) in production APM is essential if you generating revenue online APM is essential if you are doing Agile Development and DevOps APM data when combined with infrastructure data provides critical insights into the interactions between applications and their supporting infrastructure

9 9 3 Key Things You Have Learned During this Session Transaction Response Time, Throughput, and Errors are the only metrics that really matter Everything else only matters when it relates to the above metrics Understanding the relationships between APM metrics and infrastructure behavior is an important problem that requires a new approach to address

10 10 Thank you Bernd Harzog – CEO – OpsDataStore Bernd.Harzog@opsdatastore.com Dave Wagner – CTO – OpsDataStore dave@opsdatastore.com

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