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Chapter 11 The Civil War. The Civil War Begins Fort Sumter Anaconda Plan Bull Run Stonewall Jackson George McClellan Ulysses S. Grant Shiloh David G.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 The Civil War. The Civil War Begins Fort Sumter Anaconda Plan Bull Run Stonewall Jackson George McClellan Ulysses S. Grant Shiloh David G."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 The Civil War

2 The Civil War Begins

3 Fort Sumter Anaconda Plan Bull Run Stonewall Jackson George McClellan Ulysses S. Grant Shiloh David G. Farragut Monitor Merrimack Robert E Lee Antietam

4 Do you think Lincoln’s decision to fire McClellan was a good one? Why or Why not? Please write answer in your notebook with the label used above. Please write two sentences for your answer

5 The Politics of War

6 Emancipation Proclamation Habeas corpus Copperhead conscription

7 1. Explain why Britain remained neutral.. 2. Explain Lincoln’s motives for issuing the Emancipation Proclamation and the document’s effects. 3. Identify the political dilemmas facing the North and the South. Please write answer in your notebook with the label used above. Please write two sentences for your answer

8 Life During Wartime

9 Fort Pillow Income tax Clara Barton Andersonville

10 What effects did the Civil War have on women and African Americans? Things to consider: New opportunities in both the North and the South Discriminatory practices that persisted for both groups Please write answer in your notebook with the label used above. Please write two sentences for your answer

11 The North Takes Charge

12 Gettysburg Chancellorsville Vicksburg Gettysburg Address William Tecumseh Sherman Appomattox Court House

13 1. Describe the battle at Gettysburg and its outcome. 2. Summarize the key points of the Gettysburg Address. 3. Summarize the final events of the war leading to the surrender at Appomattox. Please write answer in your notebook with the label used above. Please write two sentences for your answer

14 The Legacy of War

15 National Bank Act Thirteenth Amendment Red Cross John Wilkes Booth

16 How did the Civil War dramatically change the lives of individuals and families? Please write answer in your notebook with the label used above. Please write two sentences for your answer

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