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Welcome! Rising Star Surprise Area 1C RESPRO Meeting Nov. 23, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Rising Star Surprise Area 1C RESPRO Meeting Nov. 23, 2010."— Presentation transcript:



3 Welcome! Rising Star Surprise Area 1C RESPRO Meeting Nov. 23, 2010

4 Review of Roles Who is the Timekeeper ? Please watch times on agenda and give a 10 minute and a 5 minute warning Raise the sign! Confirm Recorder RESPRO Area 1C

5 By the end of this meeting we will have... 1.A list of Coaching Comment Do’s and Don’ts RESPRO Area 1C Outcomes

6 By the end of this meeting we will have... 2.A process for assisting districts/schools in turning indicators into a plan RESPRO Area 1C Outcomes

7 By the end of this meeting we will have... 3.Input from other coaches on topics and issues of concern/interest related to Rising Star RESPRO Area 1C Outcomes

8 Ground Rules Keep discussion on topic and focused Keep yourself and the meeting on track There is only 1 meeting—no sidebars Respect the time limits Allow everyone to participate Cell phones on vibrate, please. RESPRO Area 1C

9 Let’s Collect Data! 1. Count off 1—2— 3—4—5—6—7—8 2. Form your data teams

10 Planning Session You will have 3 minutes to devise a strategy for efficiently collecting the data on your topic from all participants. WARNING: You will have a total of 3 minutes to collect all of the data.

11 Data Collection When I give the signal the data collection period will begin. You will collect the data (using whatever strategies you devised during the planning session). You will have 3 minutes. When time is called, meet with your data collection team.

12 Summarizing Data Process the data. Produce a summary report on chart paper. You will have 3 minu t es.

13 Presenting Results Presentations will begin. You will have 1 minute to make your presentation.

14 Go back to your home table!

15 Unfinished Business

16 Presentation Practice: PDA Coaching Comments Do’s and Don’ts

17 Let’s take a break!

18 A Process for Turning Indicators into a Plan Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan. Tom Landry

19 Count off A—B—C—D—E—F Do not form your new group until given the signal.

20 Each group will be given a poster to complete 1.Each poster will have an objective (Indicator) at the top. 2.DIRECTIONS: Answer the questions on the poster in detail—describing what you would see when the objective is fully implemented. IMPORTANT: We will be revisiting the chart at the January meeting.

21 1.What do you see in the classroom and school? 2.What are teachers and other staff members doing? 3.What materials are there? 4.What kinds of interactions between people are typical? 5.What emotions are detectable in the classroom and school? 6.What will teachers remember about the new team practices? The questions:

22 It is time to begin! Form your new group. Appoint a ‘go-fer’ to get a poster. Complete the poster— Don’t forget to list the names of all members of your group! You will have 10 minutes.

23 Aha’s! With your group, come to consensus on aha’s or insights from using this process You will have 3 minutes. Be ready to share!

24 LUNCH No Consultant Left Behind


26 A Conversation Café Is meeting here soon!

27 You will have the opportunity to choose one of the topics that interests you. If the table is full, please go to another table. There will be 4 parts and a closing.

28 1.Each person speaks in turn, going around the circle once. 2.Each person holds the scarecrow while they speak. 3.During this round, everyone speaks briefly about what is on their minds regarding the topic. Passing is allowed. 4.Everyone is asked to express themselves fully yet succinctly (1-2 min.), allowing time for others to speak. 5. No feedback or response.

29 1.Now that everyone had a chance to speak, the group goes around the circle again. 2.If someone wants to respond to another's remarks, they can do so in their own turn. 3. Again, each person holds the scarecrow when talking. 4. To allow more time for conversation, keep remarks BRIEF, possibly just naming the part of the topic you want to delve into more deeply. 5.Again, no feedback or response.

30 1.Now the conversation opens up and people can speak in no particular order. 2.This conversation will take up most of the time. If there is domination, contention, or lack of focus, the host may suggest that the group again use the scarecrow 3. Keep in mind the agreements.

31 1.Go around the circle again. 2. Give each person a chance to share briefly what the most interesting or important thing that they are taking away from the conversation.

32 1.Open-mindedness: listen to and respect all points of view 2.Acceptance: suspend judgment as best you can 3.Curiosity: seek to understand rather than persuade 4.Discovery: question old assumptions, look for new insights 5.Sincerity: speak for yourself about what has personal heart and meaning 6.Brevity: go for honesty and depth but don't go on and on

33 These are the topics: –How do you help administrators preplan the meetings? –How do you integrate the required SIP Form into the Rising Star Process? –How are your schools conducting Peer Review of the Rising Star Action Plans? –How are you helping schools in Year 2 of their SIP to integrate with Rising Star? –What processes are your districts/schools using to turn their chosen indicators into a plan? –What techniques/strategies are your districts/schools using to choose their 4-7 indicators?

34 1.You will choose one of the topics and find your table. 2.If the table is full, choose another table. 3.Each table will need a host chosen by their table group. 4.The host will remind the group of the agreements and keep track of time—as well as participate in the conversation.

35 1.Choose host, pass out materials, establish process: 5 minutes 2.Round 1: 15 minutes 3.Round 2: 15 minutes 4.Dialogue: 30 minutes 5.Closing: 10 minutes

36 Questions? Rising Star Surprise ANSWERS...

37 OTHER RESPRO Area 1C ??????

38 OTHER Update the email list! RESPRO Area 1C

39 Next Steps Next Meeting: Jan. 25, PDC in Lombard January--Lake Presentation Using Essential Facilitation and Sharon Bowman Recorder, Timekeeper Upcoming Rotation February KANE March DUPAGE April PDA May LAKE June KANE.

40 +  RESPRO Area 1C Meeting Review

41 Some thoughts...

42 Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Andrew Carnegie

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