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STRATEGIC PLAN Tennessee Department of Education School Team Training Series Opening Session – Literacy June 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "STRATEGIC PLAN Tennessee Department of Education School Team Training Series Opening Session – Literacy June 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRATEGIC PLAN Tennessee Department of Education School Team Training Series Opening Session – Literacy June 2014

2 2 Welcome Learning Leaders! Before we get started, please make sure you: 1. Grab a participant book. 2. Sit with people who do not teach the same grade you teach. 3. Make a name tent.

3 3 Welcome, Learning Leaders!

4 4 The Goal of the School Team Training Series Support collaborative learning focused on increasing student achievement in Tennessee. How Will We Achieve that Goal? Peer-led discussion and collaboration Direct applications to our classrooms and schools Focus on student work

5 5 This summer’s School Team Training Series has three tracks PreK -2 Math & Literacy Grades 3-12 Math Grades 3-12 Literacy

6 6

7 7

8 8 We saw significant growth across all areas on the 2013 NAEP assessment.

9 9 But we still have significant work to do. 2013 12 th grade NAEP results showed Tennessee lagging behind other states Note: ACT data is based on students who took the test in the standard time only, to allow for comparisons to previous years. The score for all students including extended time was 19.0. 9 19.1 19.0 19.2 19.3

10 10 Our goal Our goal is to be the fastest improving state in the nation, again. When we do so, students in Tennessee will perform above the national average in reading and math.

11 11 Because... EVERY student deserves a meaningful and rigorous education!

12 12 A Message from Emily Barton

13 13 Guiding Principles Across all grade-bands and subjects, there are common guiding principles for each of our trainings. All students are capable of achieving at a high level Students rise to the level of expectation when challenged and supported appropriately Students learn best when they are authentically engaged in their own learning We must continuously improve our effectiveness as teachers and leaders in order to improve student success We must make every minute with our students count with purposeful work and effective instruction

14 14 Let’s begin with introductions. Please share: Your name, district and/or school, role One challenge you have faced in the transition to the new state standards One student that inspires you to surmount these challenges Introductions

15 15 Opening Session Agenda (8:00-9:15) 8:00-8:30 Welcome & Introductions 8:30-9:00 Structure of the School Team Training Series 9:00-9:10 Agenda & Norms for the next few days 9:10-9:15 Materials and Additional Training Information Materials for the opening session can be found behind the first tab in your participant book, labeled “Opening.”

16 16 Structure of the School Team Training Series What is the School Team Training Series? What is a Learning Leader? What will I experience over the next three days? What is expected of me this school year?

17 17 Structure of the School Team Training Series GOAL: Support collaborative learning focused on increasing student achievement in Tennessee. How Will We Achieve that Goal? Peer-led discussion and collaboration Direct applications to our classrooms and schools Focus on student work

18 18 Structure of the School Team Training Series Designed for redelivery: Learning Leaders will leave their trainings prepared to take this content back to teachers in their buildings Designed to be an over time learning experience: Kicks off with a summer experience, but includes opportunities to return to the learning of this training over the school year.

19 19 What this Training Series Is and Is Not: Page 2 What it isWhat it is not Peer led; Teachers learning alongside teachers TDOE-prescribed course of action Content-specific strategies and discussions General discussion of instructional practices A yearlong learning series with bridge to practice exercises Only a summer workshop or isolated PD experience Focused on student learningFocused on compliance New content A repeat of teacher content from this past summer Connected to our own students’ workSit and get content

20 20 Learning Leader Introduction Video Short welcome video from Tiffany McDole, Exec. Director of Training & Support As you watch – please reference the slides in your content book, Opening Tab Page 3.

21 21 Learning Leader Introduction Video

22 22 Learning Leader Key Points 1) There are three groups of people you’ll hear about this week: –Core Coaches – that’s us! –Learning Leaders – that’s you! –Participants – Who you will train on this content. Likely teachers in your school and/or building. 2) As an over time learning experience, you will have three trainings as a Learning Leader.

23 23 Learning Leader Experience June 10-12 June 17-19 June 24-26 Summer Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Oct. 4 Fall Jan. 24 Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Winter

24 24 Learning Leader Key Points 3) In each Learning Leader training, you will learn new content to take back to your participants. In order for you to do this well, your Learning Leader trainings will follow the same cycle. Experience the content as learners Prepare as facilitators Facilitate the content Return to experience new content

25 25 Learning Leader Key Points 6 hours (Before School Starts) Summer 45 minutes (September) 45 minutes (October) Fall 3 hours (January) 45 minutes (February) Winter 45 minutes (March) Spring 4) The School Team Training Series will set you up to deliver content to participants in the following format.

26 26 Turn and Talk Take 3 minutes to turn and talk – –How would you summarize what this training is? Is not? –Any surprises? What questions or concerns do you have at this time?

27 27 This summer’s School Team Training Series has three tracks: PreK -2 Math & Literacy Grades 3-12 Math Grades 3-12 Literacy

28 28 Continuous Improvement Cycle: Page 5 Identify options for next instructional task Select rigorous instructional task, do task personally, discuss with colleagues + identify essential understandings Engage in the task with students + collect student work Analyze student work with colleagues + identify questions to advance student thinking Reengage with students (with a colleague observing if possible) Review outcomes and notes from the observation and plan next steps

29 29 Norms for our Training – Page 6 Keep students at the center. Be present and engaged. Monitor airtime and share your voice. Challenge with respect. Be solutions oriented. Risk productive struggle. Balance urgency and patience.

30 30 Learning Leader Agenda – Page 7 Our training will begin each day at 8:00 and end at 3:00 Lunch is from 11:30-12:30 We will take breaks in the morning and afternoon each day Overall structure for our time: –Opening Session –Participant Content (Experience as Learners) –Learning Leader Preparation (Prepare as Facilitators) –Closing

31 31 Participant Agenda – Page 9 An overall agenda for your delivery of the content to participants is included for your reference This agenda includes a full vision of the time to hold across the school year. This week’s training will prepare you for the content of the July/August in-service day and the two Fall PLCs.

32 32 Materials Learning Leaders should all have a spiral bound handbook, divided by tabs All materials we experience in training are posted on on the Learning Leaders Page This includes soft copies of the PowerPoints, the videos, and soft copies of the handbooks. TNCore is working to develop an ordering system for handbooks as well, and that information will be shared directly with Learning Leaders.

33 33 A few final notes This opening was for your framing and reference as a Learning Leader. We will now transition and begin the full participant content – including their brief opening. Some of the opening content will repeat from what we have just done, but we want to make sure to model the full participant experience for you as learners.

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