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Religion. Foundation of all culture Interaction between people can cause converts to other religions Cultural Landscape major form of indentity –Mosques.

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Presentation on theme: "Religion. Foundation of all culture Interaction between people can cause converts to other religions Cultural Landscape major form of indentity –Mosques."— Presentation transcript:

1 Religion

2 Foundation of all culture Interaction between people can cause converts to other religions Cultural Landscape major form of indentity –Mosques –Cemeteries –Shrines –Statues –symbols

3 Cultural Landscapes


5 Religion Cultural Landscapes less subtle –Presence of selling of alcohol –Clothing Veils Turbans –Personal habits Beards Ritual scars

6 Cultural Landscape

7 Religion Idea that “good” life and “bad” life has rewards and punishments has large effect on how individuals act. Rituals – important –Birth and death –Attainment of adulthood –Marriage

8 Religion Rituals can be done during certain times of the day, astronomical events. Common ritual; prayer, can happen at mealtime, sunrise, sundown, before you go to bed. Secularism – Idea that ethical and moral standards should be formulated and adhered to for life on Earth, not to accommodate the prescriptions of a deity and promises of a comfortable afterlife.

9 Religion Major factor in everyday life. –Combating social ills, Sustaining poor, Promoting the arts, Educating the deprived, Advancing medical knowledge –Conversly, Blocked scientific study, encouraged the oppression of dissidents, supported colonialism and exploitation, and condemned women to an inferior status. Two things you never talk about is Politics and Religion.

10 Major Religions: Originate Monotheistic religions – worship single diety. (God or Allah) Polytheistic Religions - worship more than one diety, even thousands. Animistic Religions – centered on the belief that inanimate objects such as mountains, boulders, rivers and trees possess spirits.

11 Major Religions: Originate All religions were animistic or polytheistic 3500 years ago, monotheistic developed in SW Asia called Zoroastrianism. Some believe that Judaism and Christianity and Islam can be traced back to Zoroastrianism Other believe that Judaism is the first Monotheistic Religion.

12 Major Religions: Originate

13 4 Main Hearths 1.N Shores of Mediterranean Sea – Greek philosophy. 2.S Asia, along Indus River Valley – Hinduism 3.E Mediterranean – Judaism 4.Huang He River Valley in China – Chinese Philosophies Christianity and Islam were both influenced by Judaism and Greek Philosophies

14 Major Religions: Today Religion and language lie at the foundation of culture Universalizing religions – Christianity, Islam, Buddhism; adherents believe their religion represents the truth, actively seek converts Ethnic religions (cultural) – Hinduism, Judaism, Shintoism, … Particular to one distinct group of people; generally do not seek converts & are spatially concentrated (Judaism is exception)

15 Major Religions: Hinduism Hinduism - >750 million Oldest major religion –Source & Beliefs –Indus Valley (Pakistan; 4,000 yrs. ago) Caste system (untouchables – lowest), karma (force generated by a person’s actions – affects transmigrations into future existence), reincarnation, Brahman (highest caste) –Diffusion & Cultural Landscape –Spread into SE Asia, Bali (Indonesia) –Shrines and temples dominate; should be in a “comfortable” area, near water, frequent offerings, holy animals (millions)

16 Major Religions: Hinduism Indus River Valley –Pakistan –India

17 Major Religions: Buddhism Buddhism - <350 million –Source and Beliefs –Gautama (wealthy founder, 6th c. BC) Buddha sat under Bodhi (awakening) tree (India), sought to end suffering, one can attain salvation regardless of caste, all life is dukkha (nothing permanent), seek to achieve nirvana (highest level of enlightenment), no true God or deity, reincarnation –Diffusion & Cultural Landscape –Spread from Nepal to South and East –Pagodas and shrines, often bell-shaped (protect burial mounds), Buddha (cross-legged)

18 Major Religions: Buddhism

19 Major Religions: Christianity Christianity - > 1.5 billion, Bible –Major denominations – –Roman Catholic – papacy (Rome) –Protestant – Luther (Germany) Orthodox – Constantinople (Turkey) –Source, Diffusion & Cultural Landscape – –Jesus (Jerusalem); Roman Emperor Constantine (312 AD) spreads Christianity (relocation diff), spreads throughout Europe & Balkans (contagious diff), European colonialism - Americas & Africa –Catholic (Medieval Europe) – cathedrals, center of town; Protestant (post Reformation) – smaller churches (often outside CBD); utilize more land for burying dead than any other religion

20 Major Religions: Christianity

21 Major Religions: Islam Islam - > 1 billion, Qu’ran –Major denominations – –Sunni – orthodox (majority) Shiah (Shiite) – Imam: sanctioned by Allah, infallible; passionate ceremonies (Iran) –Source & Beliefs – –Muhammed (571 AD, Mecca, Medina); Jesus is a prophet, Allah is pure –“Five Pillars” – shahada (profession of faith), pray 5 X day, fasting (Ramadan), almsgiving, pilgrimage to Mecca –Alcohol, smoking & gambling largely forbidden

22 Major Religions: Islam Why Iraq has problems. –Sunni –Shia –Kurds

23 Other Religions Judaism - Abraham, Moses, Torah (Five Books of Moses); Zionist movement led to homeland (Israel); Western Wall, Temple Mount (Jerusalem) Chinese Religions – Taoism: Lao-Tsu, Feng Shui (organizing life & space); Confucianism: Confucian Classics (13 texts, 5th c. BC), elements of Buddhism Sikhism - Punjab (NW India), monotheistic, elements of Hinduism & Islam Shintoism – Buddhism & Japanese culture Shamanism– people follow a shaman

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