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A person claiming to be psychic demonstrates his ability to find an underground source of water using a “dowsing rod.” As a psychologist, which tests would.

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Presentation on theme: "A person claiming to be psychic demonstrates his ability to find an underground source of water using a “dowsing rod.” As a psychologist, which tests would."— Presentation transcript:

1 A person claiming to be psychic demonstrates his ability to find an underground source of water using a “dowsing rod.” As a psychologist, which tests would you like to use to test hypotheses about how the water was found? A. This psychic should have to find water several more times in order to prove the hypothesis that he is psychic correct B. The psychic should have to find water again under a condition that controls for all the other possible explanations, such as cheating, coincidence, non-verbal clues from the audience, etc. C. As a psychologist, I don’t need to test this claim because common sense has already dis-proven the possibility of psychic abilities. D. I would want to look at a videotape of the psychic demonstration frame by frame in order to determine where the deception occurred. E. The psychic should be asked to find underground water several more times, but each time a different possible explanation would be tested 8/24/04History, Perspectives

2 Single Diagnostic Item for Newspaper Mind Reading Trick Big Idea: Multiple, carefully controlled trials need to be performed in order to test different hypotheses about unexplained phenomena. Misconceptions: 1. The goal of experimentation is to prove hypotheses correct. 2. Single trials can test multiple hypotheses. 3. Common sense is adequate to test hypotheses. 4. Our perception about physical phenomena is most often accurate. 8/24/04History, Perspectives

3 8/24/04History, Perspectives History, Perspectives, Careers What is Psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of human thought and behavior. Many different kinds of psychologists: –Practitioners Counseling psychologists School psychologists Clinical psychologists –Psychologists vs. psychiatrists –Researchers Experimental psychologists Educational psychologists Developmental psychologists Industrial/Organizational psychologists Psychometric psychologists –research-practioners

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6 8/24/04History, Perspectives History of Psychological Thinking Stone age - 500,000 years ago – Trephining Philosophers: –Plato –Descartes –Locke

7 8/24/04History, Perspectives Waves of psychology Metaphor for history of psychology: Waves Wave 1: Introspection –Willhelm Wundt - 1879, William James - 1890, G. Stanley Hall - 1892, Harry Kirke Wolfe - 1905 Wave 2: Psychoanalysis –Sigmund Freud - 1900, Carl Jung - 1912, Karen Horney - 1945 Wave 3: Behaviorism –John Watson - 1913, B.F. Skinner - 1938 Wave 4: Cognition –Jean Piaget - 1926, Albert Bandura - 1961 Wave 5: Bio-Psychology –Roger Sperry, Michael Gazzaniga - 1964 Wave 6: ?

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9 8/24/04History, Perspectives Current Psychological Perspectives Neuroscience (a.k.a. Bio-Psychology) Evolutionary Behavioral (a.k.a Learning) Cognitive Social- Cultural (a.k.a. Cross-cultural) Positive Psychology Eclectic

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