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UNIT 7 Lesson 2 Climate. I.What is a climate zone? A.Since weather changes day to day meteorologists have found patterns in weather. B.These patterns.

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1 UNIT 7 Lesson 2 Climate

2 I.What is a climate zone? A.Since weather changes day to day meteorologists have found patterns in weather. B.These patterns are what we call the CLIMATE of an area. C.Climate is an average extended weather pattern. D.Climate is DIFFERENT than weather, climate is related to latitude, and distance the north to the south pole. E.If the area you live in is an area that usually hot but occasionally you could have cool weather days this is different than climate.

3 F.Each area of the world has a different climate and can be divided into zones. G.A zone is just an area of the same climate type. H.There are MANY, MANY, MANY different climate zone, however the three MAJOR zones are: 1.Tropical Zone- The areas that are tropical are located near the equator, have hot wet climate, a lot of rain fall, daily temperature is consistently the same 2.Temperate Zone – The areas in this zone have year around mild – medium temperatures, all four seasons occur, there are deciduous forests and grasslands, the weather patterns can be slightly different in temperate zones depending on where the area is located.

4 3.Polar Zone – The areas in this zone have the harshest weather, very cold and low levels of precipitation, and are located very close to the North and South Poles. The North and South poles are included in the Polar Zone II.What are other climate zones? A.Along with the three major zones other climate zones include: 1.Dry or arid – little to no rain fall dry air, wide range of temperatures 2.Mild or Mediterranean- Sun shine all year, have average weather conditions 3.Continental- inland areas, temperate and precipitation not affected by water, warm short summers and long cold winters B.Weather is not the only way to describe the climate of an area, many scientist describe the climate according to what type of plants grow in an area

5 III.What affects climate? A.Climate does not depend just on latitude (how far an area is from the equator or the poles) B.Climate can have factors like distance from ocean currents, distance form bodies of water, mountain ranges, altitude and even the wind. C.If an area is close to any body of water the TEMPERATURE of that area is cooler and throughout the whole year. D. If an area is close to the ocean the climate is affected by the ocean currents. 1.Ocean currents constantly move the water there are two types of currents that are near the US; California and Gulf Stream current. 2.These currents carry warm and cold water all over the earth.

6 3.The Gulf Stream current carries warm water while the California current carries cold water. 4.The Gulf stream moves EAST and crosses the Atlantic ocean bringing the warm water FROM the equator to the poles. 5.The California Current carries water FROM the poles towards the equator. 6.Both currents give the areas near the coast cool mild temperatures. E.If an area is surrounded by a mountain range a rain shadow can affect the climate on both sides of the mountain. 1.On one side of a mountain or the WINDWARD side water is able to evaporate and condense causing precipitation. 2.On the opposite side or the LEEWARD water is scarce and the area is dry, we call this a rain shadow because no rain ever makes it over form the windward side of the mountain

7 F.Winds can affect the climate of an area by cooling down the temperature. G.As water in warm areas evaporates the water vapor is carried by wind to cooler areas and creating precipitation and warming the atmosphere of cooler areas. H.Altitude can also affect the climate of an area, depending on how HIGH an area is depends on how cool or cold an area is all year round. I.The base of mountains are low in altitude so the climate is warm and tropical, however the climate at the peak of mountains will be cold and have ice and snow most of the year. IV.What is El Nino? A.El Nino is the change in ocean currents off of the cost of Peru and the Pacific Ocean.

8 B.El Nino’s change from cool ocean current to a warm ocean current causes the air pressure to change form high pressure to low pressure. C.El Nino occurs every 2-7 years, this change can cause winds to change directions, high tides, and sometimes more hurricanes because of all the moisture that is being moved. D.There is also a La Nina where the warm ocean currents change to cooler ocean currents so the weather is dryer in South American and wetter in Australia.


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