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The Post-Classical World: Byzantium, Medieval Europe, Pre- Columbian Americas Mr. Bartula AP World History.

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Presentation on theme: "The Post-Classical World: Byzantium, Medieval Europe, Pre- Columbian Americas Mr. Bartula AP World History."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Post-Classical World: Byzantium, Medieval Europe, Pre- Columbian Americas Mr. Bartula AP World History

2 Conditions At The End Of The Classical Period: ca 500-800 CE Civilizations became vastly larger and geographically redistributed due to three elements: The Growth of Islam The Growth of China The Growth of Europe

3 Conditions At The End Of The Classical Period: ca 500-800 CE Immigration by Germanic peoples flooded Western Europe Epidemic disease outbreaks decimated populations in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia Population growth caused Viking migrations to Iceland and Greenland, Asian invasions of China, and Chinese migrations to southern China.

4 Conditions At The End Of The Classical Period: ca 500-800 CE Iron plows and other tools caused an increase in agricultural production in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Development of new trade networks led to European revival and a new medieval culture. China’s internal development continued to lead the world


6 The Post-Classical World: Top to Bottom 1.China: magnificent civilization spreading its influence throughout East Asia 2.India: great religious center, important commercial and trading region 3.Dar al’Islam: vigorous trading and cultural center

7 The Post-Classical World: Top to Bottom 4.American civilizations: separate, but making important cultural advances 5.Sub-Saharan Africa: new societies with Asian trading connections 6.Europe: backwards, the least developed area


9 Social Conversion The syncretic process by which people adopt or adapt foreign cultural traditions 1.Conversion through voluntary association 2. Conversion by pressure 3. Conversion by assimilation

10 The Byzantine Empire

11 Constantinople



14 Greek Fire

15 The Hippodrome Arena


17 Constantine I

18 Part of Constantinople’s Walls

19 More Walls of Constantinople

20 Byzantine Government Efficient bureaucracy “byzantine” politics: intrigue, espionage, etc. Well-trained and organized armies Emperors held all political power Emperors also held religious authority (caesaropapism)

21 Byzantine Culture Highly religious Center of trade routes Wealth and luxury Volatile and violent population Preserved much classical culture

22 Mosaic of Emperor Leo IV

23 An Emperor and Empress With The Virgin Mary An Emperor and Empress With The Virgin Mary


25 The Eastern Orthodox Church Formal separation from Roman Catholicism in 1054 Led by Patriarchs (bishops of major cities) No priestly celibacy No instrumental music icons



28 An Iconostasis

29 Emperor Justinian I 527-565 The greatest Byzantine Emperor Reconquered much of the western Roman Empire Established the Corpus Juris Civilis Built Hagia Sophia



32 Hagia Sophia




36 Eastern Orthodoxy Great Schism of 1054 Led by Patriarchs and the Byzantine Emperors Became dominant Christianity in Eastern Europe and Russia

37 St. Cyril and St. Methodius, Missionaries to Russia


39 The Fourth Crusade, 1204 The Crusading army attacked Constantinople and looted the city. Constantinople was under Western European control for approximately 50 years The city and the Byzantine Empire never fully recovered.

40 The Byzantines and Islam The Muslims were the most persistent enemies of the Byzantines In 1071 the Battle of Manzikert allowed the Seljuk Turks to gain control over much of the Middle East Over the next four hundred years the Muslims gradually conquered the rest of the Byzantine Empire In 1453 Constantinople was captured and renamed Istanbul.


42 Western Europe’s Medieval Era Ca 476 to 1453 “Dark Ages” ca 500- 800 “Medieval Warm Period” ca 800-1300 Collapse of the Roman Empire Invasions of the “Barbarians” Influence of Roman Catholic Christianity


44 The Franks Gaul 481: King Clovis converted to Roman Catholic Christianity, anointed by the Pope Merovingian Dynasty established Later Merovingian Kings called “Do-Nothings” Real power in hands of the Mayors of the Palace.

45 Charles Martel and Pepin the Short Charles Martel: greatest Mayor of the Palace 732, defeated Muslims at the Battle of Tours His son Pepin the Short overthrew the Merovingians and became King.

46 Charlemagne 768-814 Greatest King of the Franks Ruled all of France and Germany Capital Aachen (Aix-la- Chapelle) Encouraged education Reestablished law and order Crowned Holy Roman Emperor Dec 25, 800

47 Charlemagne’s Empire

48 Treaty of Verdun 843 Charlemagne’s grandsons divided his empire West Frankland: France East Frankland: Germany The Middle Kingdom: contested region. More conflict led to breakdown of law and order, and the rise of...

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