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Dictators in Zaire/Congo By: Lauren Kim and Chase Bardsley.

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Presentation on theme: "Dictators in Zaire/Congo By: Lauren Kim and Chase Bardsley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dictators in Zaire/Congo By: Lauren Kim and Chase Bardsley

2 Who was dictator of Congo and what did he do? Mobutu Sese Seko was Congo's president and military dictator during the years between 1965 and 1997. He died in exile in Morroco from prostate cancer. He was born in Congo, and he was Congolese. Unlawfully ruled the country for 32 years. At first, He was seen as an ally to the US and an anticommunist. He acclaimed the throne through a coup de tat in 1965.


4 Social effects Mobutu changed the social environment a lot. Mobutism - official philosophy of Zaire, like a cult. Took a pragmatic stance in social matters in late 1970's.

5 Political effects When Mobutu came to power, enforced a militant government. He renamed the country Republic of Zaire. Failures made Mobutu depend on western countries. The country was renamed Democratic Republic of Congo in 1997.

6 Economical effects The country suffered because of wars. There were many economical failures caused under Mobutu's rule in 1970's

7 International Responses to Dictator Each country involved had a different response. Rwanda and Uganda had troops were involved in the fighting. Other countries near the Congo were not involved.

8 National Responses During all the years under his rule, there were rebellions against Mobutu. There were civil wars and rebellions against all dictators leading too huge amounts of death.

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