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Key Concept 4.1 1450-1750 Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange.

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1 Key Concept 4.1 1450-1750 Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange

2 Meaning… The new connections between the Eastern and Western hemispheres made possible by transoceanic voyages is a key transformation of this time period Technology and NW European desires to make it to the Indian Ocean made this possible Changing patterns of long-distance trade included the global circulation of some commodities and the formation of new regional markets and financial centers The spread of religions and other ideas continues Migration of large numbers of people Germs ravaged the people of the New World New World crops altered agriculture, diets, populations around the world

3 A. Intensification and Disruption of Trade Previous existing trade routes increased—SE Asia, The Indian Ocean, the Middle East, Mediterranean Routes, Baltic Sea Routes, Trans-Saharan Routes, Overland Asian Routes, Routes through Europe

4 B. New Technologies and Reconnaissance Europeans absorb technological innovations developed in classical times, in the Arab and Chinese worlds Astrolabes, revised maps, the Caravel Zheng He travels the Indian Ocean to increase Chinese prestige Portuguese fund maritime technologies and map making, travel and trade with West Africa A united Christian Spain sponsor the voyages of Columbus, others North Atlantic crossings for fishing and settlements

5 C. New Patterns of Trade Royal chartered European trading monopoly companies took silver from Spanish colonies in the Americas to purchase Asian goods for European markets Increased commercial activity connected to New World silver European role in the Indian Ocean begins but does not have a significant impact in this period Joint-stock companies create competition between Europeans The Atlantic system develops mixing the people of the Atlantic world—Africans, Americans and Europeans

6 D. Columbian Exchange European disease and vermin to the New World American food crops to Europe, Asia and Africa— potatoes, maize, manioc Cash crops grown with coerced labor in the New World—sugar, tobacco. After 1800, cotton Domestic animals and Afro-Eurasian fruit trees, grains, sugar brought to the New World Environmental impact on the physical Environment of the New World

7 E. Expanded Religions and Syncretic Belief Systems As Islam spread, some changes due to local cultural practices Sunni-Shi’a split intensifies and Sufi practices become more widespread Christianity spreads throughout the world and was increasingly diversified by this diffusion, and the Protestant Reformation Buddhism declines in India, but different sects and practices spread to NE Asia and mainland SE Asia Syncretic religions such as Sikhism in S Asia, Vodun in the Caribbean and cults of saints in Latin America

8 F. Merchant Profits Increase and are Taxed Funding for the visual and performing arts both for elites and popular audiences Expansion of Literacy In some areas, wealthier central states

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