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CH 17 SECTION 3 Luther Starts the Reformation. Causes of the Reformation 1500: Renaissance emphasis on secular and individual challenged church authority.

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1 CH 17 SECTION 3 Luther Starts the Reformation

2 Causes of the Reformation 1500: Renaissance emphasis on secular and individual challenged church authority Printing press spread secular ideas Rulers resented popes Northern merchants resented paying taxes to Rome Germany decentralized

3 Causes of Reformation Continued Problems in Catholic Church  Popes pursuing worldly affairs  Priest poorly educated  Early Calls for Reform  Early 1400s Wycliffe of England and Hus of Bohemia called for church reform  Erasmus and More in 1500s criticized church as well  Savonarola an Italian friar caused people of Florence to burn their worldly possessions. He was eventually executed for heresy

4 Luther Challenges the Church Martin Luther  Monk from 1505 to 1512  Taught scripture at University of Wittenberg in Germany  Took stand against friar Tetzel who sold indulgences  Indulgences are the paying of money to pardon sins  95 Theses  95 Theses were formal statements attacking church leaders  October 31, 1517 posted them on the church in Wittenberg  Reformation is the movement for religious reform  Three main ideas Salvation by faith in God’s forgiveness Church teachings clearly based on words of the Bible All people of faith equal

5 The Response to Luther The Pope’s Threat  Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther The Emperor’s Opposition  Luther brought to town of Worms where he did not recant  Charles issued the Edict of Worms  No one to give Luther food or shelter, his books burned  Prince Frederick of Saxony took him in one of his castles  Luther translated the Bible into German  Lutheran church created  Priest in regular clothes called ministers  Ministers could marry  Services in German The Peasants’ Revolt Peasants revolt to gain freedom  Luther has Princes crush the revolt, many peasants killed Germany at War  Holy Roman Emperor and Catholic Princes vs. Protestant Princes  Peace of Augsburg 1555 ended war  Religion of each German state decided by its ruler

6 England Becomes Protestant Henry VIII Wants a Son  Henry had a daughter Mary  Wanted a male heir to avoid Civil War after he died  He felt his wife Catherine of Aragon was to old to have a child (42)  Wanted Pope to annul the marriage  Pope refused  Pope didn’t want to make Holy Roman Emperor Charles V angry  Charles V was Catherine of Aragon’s nephew The Reformation Parliament  1529 Ended power of pope in England  1533 Henry VIII married Ann Boleyn, Parliament granted Henry’s divorce  1534 Act of Supremacy made king head of church instead of pope

7 England Becomes Protestant Continued Consequences of Henry’s Changes  Closed English monasteries  Seized their wealth and lands  Edward VI, son of Henry and his third wife Jane Seymour  He comes to power after Henry dies 1547  Protestants gain power under Edward  Mary Rules next Daughter of Henry and Catherine of Aragon Devout Catholic, restores pope as leader of church Many Protestants are executed (known as Bloody Mary)  Elizabeth Restores Protestantism (1558) Daughter of Anne Boleyn  Created the protestant Anglican Church in 1559  Church of England priest could marry  Sermons in English  Rich robes and golden crucifixes for Catholics  Book of Common Prayer more acceptable to Catholics The Spanish Armada  Attacked England but were defeated in 1558 under Philip II  England’s government not bringing in revenue  Lead to conflict between the monarch and Parliament

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