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Patients looking to receive a breast reduction surgery should contact the office of Dr. Ruben B. Abrams in Beverly Hills. He and his qualified staff are.

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Presentation on theme: "Patients looking to receive a breast reduction surgery should contact the office of Dr. Ruben B. Abrams in Beverly Hills. He and his qualified staff are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Patients looking to receive a breast reduction surgery should contact the office of Dr. Ruben B. Abrams in Beverly Hills. He and his qualified staff are available to meet every patient’s needs. Dr. Ruben B. AbramsDr. Ruben B. Abrams Reasons to seek out breast reduction surgery differ from patient to patient. Many people who are interested in the procedure do so because they suffer from excessive breast weight (Breast Hypertrophy / Mammary Hypertrophy). Besides that cosmetic pluses, breast reduction surgery will help alleviate neck strain, shoulder pain and strain, as well as back pain. Excessive weight of large breasts can throw the body into disproportion and result in an obese appearance. Receiving the proper beast reduction surgery in this Beverly Hills office can correct this issue. Dr. Ruben B. Abrams is your right plastic surgeon for breast reduction Beverly Hills 310 – 276 – 7777

2 One of the main concerns of patients about to receive breast reduction surgery is what the final outcome will look like. In terms of the scars resulting from this operation, it has to be understood that scarring is mainly determined by one’s genetics. However, the good news is that during the past few years there have been significant developments in our understanding of scarring and things that can be done to minimize scarring. An important question people ask this Beverly Hills location, is about recovery. It is incredible that even though this is an extensive operation, breast reduction surgery’s recovery is fairly rapid. The post-operative pain level is remarkably low and patients who undergo this operation are usually able to return to work within 4-5 days. Beverly Hills locationBeverly Hills location

3 A fairly important concern by most people, is the cost. Due to the fact that breast reduction surgery is primarily a functional operation, under certain circumstances insurance may cover part of the costs. What insurance companies rely on in terms of approving this operation are the patient’s height and weight, how long they have had the symptoms, what conservative treatments have been tried and for how long, and how many grams of tissue is expected to be removed from each side. If you are considering breast reduction surgery, call to set up an appointment in Beverly Hills and Dr. Abrams and his staff will answer any questions you may have. call to set up an appointmentcall to set up an appointment

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