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Information On Bunion Surgery San Francisco. A bunion is a protrusion on the side of a big toe. This toe tends to lean in the direction of the smaller.

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Presentation on theme: "Information On Bunion Surgery San Francisco. A bunion is a protrusion on the side of a big toe. This toe tends to lean in the direction of the smaller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information On Bunion Surgery San Francisco

2 A bunion is a protrusion on the side of a big toe. This toe tends to lean in the direction of the smaller toes. The condition is usually treated non-surgically first. If these methods do not work, it may be time to get bunion surgery San Francisco.

3 Bunions are protrusions of bone and tissue that form on the side of a toe. The bone of the toe is misaligned. Extra bone growth sometimes occurs. They are most commonly found on a big toe, but can be located on a small toe. If they turn red or become irritated, they can be painful. They will only get worse if not treated.

4 This condition is found more often in women than in men. Heredity and genetics are major contributors for suffering this condition. If your family has a history of bunions, you are likely to eventually have them too. However, they can also be caused by certain foot injuries. They are not caused by wearing the wrong shoes. However, wearing shoes that do not fit properly can make them get worse or show up faster.

5 Most people try a non-surgical solution first. This can include things like wearing a wider shoe. Placing a pad over the affected area has been helpful for some patients. Others find relief with anti-inflammatory medication. Some find a shot of cortisone helps to relieve the pain. When these do not work, surgery is often the next step.

6 When the surgeon is first consulted, he will take your medical history. He will then examine the foot to examine its anatomy. X-rays will then be taken. The doctor can then evaluate whether an operation is needed.

7 An operation on bunions is a bunionectomy. Its purpose is to correct the deformities and ultimately to relieve the foot pain. Before the operation begins, you will receive a sedative and a regional anesthesia. The doctor then cuts along the side or top of the affected toe. He then removes or realigns the bumpy bone and tissue. If your case is severe, he may have to use reinforcement with pins, wires, or screws. The work done depends on your individual situation. Normally, the operation takes approximately one hour. In most cases it will be done as an outpatient procedure.

8 Recovery time is based on how severe the problem was. It can vary from 6 weeks up to 6 months. Stitches are usually removed from a period of 7 to 21 days. Outside screws or pins are taken out after 3 to 6 weeks. The patient is required to wear either special shoes or a walking cast for a time period of up to 8 weeks. If the case is very severe, the patient may not be allowed to put any weight on the foot for up to 8 weeks. The more severe the case, the longer the recovery time.

9 Bunions can reoccur. However, if you wear the right kind of shoe, this is less likely to happen. Be sure to get a fully qualified surgeon. When ready, be sure to get bunion surgery San Francisco.


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