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Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad. The Emergence Of Woodrow Wilson Democrats were thrilled about Republican split. Dems nominate Woodrow Wilson,

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Presentation on theme: "Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad. The Emergence Of Woodrow Wilson Democrats were thrilled about Republican split. Dems nominate Woodrow Wilson,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilsonian Progressivism at Home and Abroad

2 The Emergence Of Woodrow Wilson Democrats were thrilled about Republican split. Dems nominate Woodrow Wilson, a militant progressive. President of Princeton, instituted sweeping educational reforms Governor of New Jersey; ignored party bosses. Progressive. Very Popular

3 The Emergence Of Woodrow Wilson Eloquent and somewhat of a zealot. Strong moral streak; unwilling to compromise matters of principle. Appealed to the people over the heads of the bosses and legislature. In 1912 Democrats nominated him on the 46th ballot when Bryan swings his support to Wilson. –“New Freedom”- stronger antitrust legislation, banking reform, tariff reductions

4 The Bull Moose Campaign Progressive republicans split Nominate Theodore Roosevelt New Nationalism- consolidation of trusts and labor unions, growth of regulatory agencies in DC, woman suffrage, broad social welfare ( minimum wage and social insurance)

5 Wilson’s New Freedom Favors small enterprise, entrepreneurship, free function of unregulated unmonopolized markets, shun social welfare. “Not regulation, fragmentazation of big industrial powers” TR assassination attempt in WS, had to stop campaigning last two weeks

6 Woodrow Wilson- Minority President Wilson wins with 41%. Wilson gets fewer votes than Bryan in any of his three defeats. Taft-TR combined had 1.2 Million more votes Progressives (Wilson and Roosevelt) together got far more votes than Taft. –Thus, Progressivism was the winner. Wilson wins because Republicans split the vote


8 Woodrow Wilson- Minority President Bull Moose Problems- one man show, elected few candidates o state and local offices Socialists Party- more than 1,000 Republicans minority in Congress and out of the White House for only the second time since before the Civil War.

9 Wilson: The Idealist In Politics 1 st southerner since Zachary Taylor in the white house Shares faith in the masses (Jeffersonian) Son of a Presbyterian Minister; fervent piety and a stark view of good and bad that makes it hard for him to compromise. He is rigid. Moving orator, but cold personally. Student of government; professor of political science. Believed in strong president. High sense of morals and idealism

10 Wilson’s Defects Cold and austere Lacked the common touch; not good with humans individually. Intellectually arrogant. Morally righteous. Rigid and uncompromising Stubborn Racist

11 Wilson Tackles The Tariff Assault on triple wall of privilege- tariff, banks, trusts 1. Underwood Tariff- huge reductions –Landmark in tax legislation- graduated income tax

12 Wilson Battles Bankers Problem- banking reserves were heavily concentrated in NY and other large cities- hard to mobilize in times of financial panic Republicans – favor Third Bank of the United States with 15 branches Demos- decentralized bank in government hands

13 Federal Reserve Act (1913) Federal Reserve Act: most important piece of economic legislation between the Civil War and the New Deal. Federal Reserve Board-oversaw nation wide system of twelve regional reserve districts Empowered to issue federal reserve notes backed by commercial paper- amount of money in circulation could be swiftly increased as needed or legitimate requirements of business

14 The President Tames The Trusts Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914- president appointed commission to inspect industries engaged in interstate commerce- root out unfair trade practices, unlawful competition, false ads., mislabeling, and bribery Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 –Strengthened Sherman Anti-Trust Act by lengthening the list of unfair trade practices –Exempts labor and agriculture- legalizing strikes and peaceful picketing –Gompers- “Magna carta” of labor

15 WW and progressive at High Tide Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916- credit available to farmers at low interest rates (populism) Warehouse Act of 1916- authorized loans on the security of staple crops (populism) La Follette Seamen’s Act- decent and living wage for American Merchant ships Workingmen’s Compensation Act of 1916- assistance to federal civil service employees during periods of disability Restriction on child labor on products in interstate commerce Adamson Act of 1916- 8 hour work day for employees on trains in interstate commerce, and overtime pay

16 Wilson’s Blind Spot Wilson’s one failure in broadening the rights of the downtrodden was Blacks. He increased segregation in the Civil Service and generally had a very blind eye—even a hostile eye—toward concerns of blacks regarding civil rights. Proclaimed Birth of a Nation an important insight into history. Election of 1912 was a fluke, needs to get the Bull Moosers on Democratic side

17 New Directions In Foreign Policy WW- Hated, big stick diplomacy WW- hates $ diplomacy- no special support to American investments in China and Latin America Jones Act- Philippines gets territorial status and promised independence as soon as stable government is formed

18 New Directions In Foreign Policy 1914-1915- Haiti in rebellion Marines sent to protect American lives and property(19 year stay) 1915- Marines sent to Dominican Republic 1917- Buys virgin islands from Denmark

19 Moralistic Diplomacy In Mexico Mexico 1913- Victoriano Huerta takes presidency- results in mass migration to US to SW US- fruit pickers and highway constructors- segregated WRH- pumps up war cry

20 Moralistic Diplomacy In Mexico WW- arms embargo, didn’t recognize government Tampico Incident- US troops arrested then released in Mex, demanded 21 gun salute but didn’t get it, Navy takes over port to prevent guns from coming in, ABC powers meditate Venustiano Carranza takes over- hates US for military involvement

21 Moralistic Diplomacy In Mexico Pancho Villa- rival to Carranza- kills Americans in Mexico and the US in hopes of provoking war US sends John (black Jack) Pershing Army withdrawn in 1917 – ( threats from Germany)

22 Road to WWI Serb patriot killed Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austria-Hungary “empire” in Serajevo in 1914. Austrians blame Serbia. Backed by Germany, send stern ultimatum to Serbia Serbia backed by Russia, mobilizes, menacing Germany on the east. France mobilizes on Germany’s other side. Germans strike at France through Belgium. England enters the war against Germans. Japan eventually comes in against Germany, as well. Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria Allies: France, Russia, Britain, Japan.


24 Precarious Neutrality US and WW favor isolationism Both sides want American help US mainly Anti- German- Kaiser Wilhelm II seen as autocracy

25 Precarious Neutrality France and England war needs stimulates US economy JP Morgan and Co. give roughly 2.3 billion dollars to allies 1915- Germany starts submarine warfare Germany says they will try not to attack neutral ships

26 Precarious Neutrality Submarines known as U boats Lusitania sunk 1915- 128 Americans dead( was also carrying ammunition crates) Two months later Arabic sunk- two Americans dead Germany promised not to attack ships without warning

27 Precarious Neutrality 1916- pledge broken, attacked the Sussex Germany again promised not to attack merchant vessels without warning, but wants the US to tell allies to modify illegal blockade

28 Wilson Wins Reelection In 1916 Progressive re nominate TR, but he refuses to run. Why Republicans nominate Charles Evans (evasive) Hughes. Hughes is a poor candidate who tailors his rhetoric concerning the war depending on his audience Demos- WW- slogan “He kept us out of war”


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