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The Branches of Government and Their Powers 8 th Grade Lesson Michael B. Hand.

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Presentation on theme: "The Branches of Government and Their Powers 8 th Grade Lesson Michael B. Hand."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Branches of Government and Their Powers 8 th Grade Lesson Michael B. Hand

2 Objectives: The students will gain a knowledge of the powers of each branch of government The students will gain an understanding of bicameral legislature The students will understand checks and balances

3 Materials Needed: Notebooks Checks and Balances Worksheet Branches of Government Worksheet

4 The Constitution divides the powers of government into three branches The purpose is to prevent power from being assumed by one person or a small group.

5 The branches are:

6 The Executive Branch This Branch is headed by the President of the U.S. This Branch Carries out the laws or enforces them.

7 The Judicial Branch This is the branch that interprets our laws This branch establishes our federal court system

8 The Legislative Branch This is the branch that makes the laws This branch is divided into two houses

9 The First House is: The house or Representatives This house is considered the lower house and is based on population Currently has 435 members

10 The Second House is: The Senate This house is considered the higher house and is based on equal representation for all sates. 100 total 2 from each state

11 Congress The official name for our bicameral legislature The purpose of this design was to settle a dispute between the smaller and larger states over the issue of representation

12 Who is the Current President of the U.S.?

13 George W.Bush

14 Each branch has powers over the other They are certain checks and balances

15 Executive over Judicial: President Appoints federal judges

16 Judicial over Executive: Declares actions of President unconstitutional

17 Judicial Over Legislative: The power to declare laws unconstitutional

18 Executive over Legislative: The power to veto laws passed in both houses

19 Legislative over Judicial: All judicial appointments must be approved by the Senate

20 Legislative over Executive: Treaties must be approved by the Legislature

21 Activities: Students will complete Branches of Government Worksheet Students will complete Checks and Balances Worksheet Students will engage in a discussion about the powers of government Students will chose one branch of government and provide a recent event that branch used its power

22 Activities (continued) The students will present their topics to the class in a presentation

23 Web Sites: White House Web Site: The U.S. Supreme Court Site Congress Site Library of Congress Site House of Representatives Site

24 Web Sites (continued) Senate Web Site

25 The End

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