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CHAPTER THREE PERSIST: Learning and Using the Tools of Self-Management GUST 1270 College and Career Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER THREE PERSIST: Learning and Using the Tools of Self-Management GUST 1270 College and Career Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER THREE PERSIST: Learning and Using the Tools of Self-Management GUST 1270 College and Career Planning

2 UNIT 3 OBJECTIVES This unit can help you: Make the most of your academic relationships Find and use campus resources Get involved in campus organizations Use personal decorum Use your college catalog Calculate your GPA Be safe on campus

3 PERSISTENCE You are going to stay, find a way to stick it out, find a way to make it count, and find a way to not give up!

4 UNIVERSAL COLLEGE POLICIES  Students must meet certain residence requirements for a degree (even if you transfer into the college)  All students are subject to the Federal Privacy Act of 1974 (this insures your privacy, even from your parents)  Most institutions require placement tests. They are used to properly advise you into the correct English, Math, Foreign Language, Reading, and/or Vocabulary classes.  Most colleges adhere to a strict drop/add date. Always check your schedule of classes for this information  Most colleges have an attendance policy for classroom instruction  Almost every college has an Academic Dishonesty Policy

5 WHAT IF YOU EARN A FAILING GRADE? CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING:  Did you attend class regularly?  Did you come to class prepared and ready for discussion?  Did you ask questions in class for clarification?  Did you meet with the professor during his/her office hours?  Did you seek outside assistance in places such as the writing center or math lab?  Did you ask your peers for assistance or join a peer study/focus group?

6 TIPS FOR ACCEPTING CRITICISM  Try to not take it personally  Stay composed  Ask for clarification if necessary  Listen before you respond  Be open-minded  Don’t make excuses  Take the advice and grow

7 ACADEMIC FREEDOM  College Professor are granted what is called academic freedom. This privilege is not given to any other educator. This allows the professor to teach controversial issues, topic, subjects, pieces of literature, scientific theories, religious tenets, and political views without the threat of termination.  This is not given to students.

8 GOOD RELATIONSHIPS WITH PROFESSORS  Get to know them outside the classroom  Come to class prepared  Ask and answer questions in class  Ask for help early  Don’t make excuses  Volunteer for opportunities to enhance learning  Never ask, “Are we doing /did we do anything important in class?”  Be respectful

9 Classroom Challenges  When the professors doesn’t show up for class. You should check your colleges policy on the correct procedures for leaving class. You shouldn’t listen to what might be the procedure.  You should however produce a class roster to show the instructor during the next class meeting.  When the professor doesn’t speak English well, you have various things to do:  Sit near the front of the room  Watch the professors mouth when you can  Follow the professor’s nonverbal communication patterns  Read the material beforehand  Ask questions

10 DO YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND…  Computer labs?  Writing Center?  Math Center?  Tutoring Center?  Language labs?  Library?  Other student services?

11 Student Services and Success Centers  Computer Labs  Writing Centers  Math Centers  Tutoring or Mastery Learning Centers  Language Labs  Libraries Unlike academic success services, student success services usually concentrate on the social, personal, career, and spiritual success of students. They include the following: Veterans Affairs Reentry or Adult Learning Centers Health Services International Student Services Minority Student Services Career Services Mental/emotional health services Student Activities

12 Leaving College  You will not be automatically withdrawn from your classes if you decide to just leave school.  On a National average; 40% of students who attend college never complete their degree  Dropping classes- this is when you have to drop a class, maybe for a family or personal emergency. But you are still enrolled in classes.  Dropping out- this is when you drop all you classes and don’t plan on returning back the next semester  Stopping out- you have dropped all your classes with plans to return back to school in the next semester

13 TIPS FOR WORKING WITH YOUR ACADEMIC ADVISOR  Locate your advisor as soon as possible  Develop a positive relationship  Prepare a list of questions prior to an appointment  Call advisor as needed  Be prepared by looking at the next semester’s schedule before an appointment


15 ADVICE FOR ONLINE STDUENTS  Review course requirements before enrolling  Begin coursework as soon as possible  Introduce yourself to the professor  Develop a schedule for completing coursework  Keep a copy of all work submitted  Submit work early or on time  Network with other students in the course

16 ADVICE FOR ONLINE STDUENTS (cont’d.)  Take advantage of orientation or training sessions  Participate in group work and discussion  Have a “Plan B” if you have computer problems  Log in every day  Communicate situations to your professor  Work ahead if possible  Know the contact for technical assistance

17 TIPS FOR PERSISTING IN COLLEGE  Visit your advisor frequently  Register for appropriate courses  Utilize academic support services  Know your learning style  Develop a sense of community  Join a club or organization  Set goals  Maintain self-esteem and self-respect

18 TIPS FOR PERSISTING IN COLLEGE (cont’d)  Stick with boring required classes  Practice self-management  Find your internal motivation  Focus on the future  Choose optimism  Move beyond mediocrity  Focus on your career goal  Budget your time  Deal with issues with professors ASAP

19 UNIT REFLECTION  Determine if online learning is for you  Use personal decorum  Establish relationships on campus  Utilize advisors and counselors  Know the college’s rules and policies  Seek academic assistance when needed  Join a campus club  Apply for financial assistance  Make use of student services

20 JUST FOR FUN !! Character Illustration by Christian O’Brien

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