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Paul Henry with thanks to co-reviewers: Wolfgang Hees, Karin Rathsman, Peter Rådahl, Mats Lindroos Review of TDR Chapter 7 “Conventional Facilities”

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Presentation on theme: "Paul Henry with thanks to co-reviewers: Wolfgang Hees, Karin Rathsman, Peter Rådahl, Mats Lindroos Review of TDR Chapter 7 “Conventional Facilities”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Paul Henry with thanks to co-reviewers: Wolfgang Hees, Karin Rathsman, Peter Rådahl, Mats Lindroos Review of TDR Chapter 7 “Conventional Facilities”

2 2 TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012 FINDINGS – Chapter 7 TDR Content Summary 33 pages long 8 subsections 12 Figures CDR Content Summary 1 page 0 Figures Subsection layout and proposed content good Section 7.6 (buildings) and 7.7 (Services) are key to the chapter Chapter is unbalanced 7.6 is 2 pages 7.7 is 20 pages 7.7.7 (Water cooling system) is 10 pages

3 Findings Feedback Summary Chapter lacks necessary detail Sections missing Many factual errors Chapter felt to be generic No risk analysis / mitigation No cross-referencing English not well composed / Poor spelling Use of acronyms that are not defined No references The section is shorter and technically more lightweight than expected. Considerable work required on content and interfacing with other chapters. CF have more content available but it is not included. Full findings/comments/recs available as separate files. 3 FINDINGS – Chapter 7

4 4 TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012 COMMENTS - 1 7.1 Introduction (1 paragraph) Scope does not match content – services are missing 7.2 Location and conditions at site (5 pages) Suggest a Figure overlaying ESS onto the site Cross-reference to MAX-IV and Science Village plans More information on effect of ground conditions Report expected November 2012 Risks associated with ground conditions Impact of ground water on construction methods Regulatory process refers to on-going permits/licenses/etc. More information required here: risk of delays? Cost estimate basis included (outside TDR scope?)

5 COMMENTS - 2 7.3 Building Programme (1 paragraph) This apparently formed part of the brief for the architectural competition but contains no information. 7.4 Architecture (2 paragraphs) Content to be added after the decision is made (19 th October) as listed as confidential? It is impossible to judge sections 7.3 – 7.4 or provide recommendations with the information provided. 7.3-7.6 would benefit from a layout proposal to base the information on. 5

6 COMMENTS - 3 7.5 Earthwork (1.5 pages) Landscaping requires interfacing with the requirements of Target, accelerator and instruments. It is not just aesthetic Other subsections lack information Logistics section lists issues but nothing on how CF will deal with them Cross-reference to building programme information that is not included in the chapter 7.6 Buildings (2.5 pages) Superficial description of the role of the buildings Missing buildings / facilities Entrance A control centre No mention of the chimney DMSC outstation Accelerator laboratories Conference facilities? No sketches, drawings, layouts etc. 6

7 COMMENTS - 4 7.7 Main services (20 pages) Most complete section Unbalanced towards water cooling systems (7.7.7 is 10 pages) Figures generally of poor quality Many acronyms used that are not defined Missing data in Tables (7.1, 7.3) Text reference to report XXX in several sections on fire alarms Unclear language 7.7.7 used as required level of detail indicator for rest of chapter? 7.8 Transport systems (0.5 pages) Details on crane capacity would be useful No information on transport system from central to outer buildings 7

8 GENERAL COMMENTS - 1 CCTV (7.7.4) Is there need for approval from the authorities ? This is usually the case, if the general public is concerned, i.e. in areas where visitors are allowed. Video-surveillance of employees might be subject to approval by the authorities or even the unions. Heat exchangers (7.7.7 covers water cooling) There will be systems that do not have primary client water loops, such as cryogenics where oil and helium is being cooled. Cryoplant cooling section (7.7.7) Interface with division – numerous factual errors Instrument cooling requirements (7.7.7) Order of magnitude error? 0.5MW cooling x 22 inst = 1MW?? Shielding No mention of shielding – who is responsible for this? 8

9 GENERAL COMMENTS - 2 Containment How does CF interface with the nuclear safety requirements? Waste water (7.7.12-13) How will ESS prevent an eventual radiation leakage down to the groundwater? How will ESS handle radioactive waste water? Process water system (7.7.9) What options does ESS have to solve the production in the start-up period? Possible inconsistencies (7.7.1) The ESS Energy strategy is mentioned in 7.7.1. Cross-reference to relevant chapter instead? 9

10 10 TDR Internal Review, Lund, October 2012 RECOMMENDATIONS 1.Match chapter scope to content: expand 7.1 to cover services. 2.Keep within scope: limit descriptive texts of non-CF content. 3.Begin with a possible site overview: outline CF within that. 4.CF to focus on the delivery of complete chapter for the next TDR draft. 5.Perform a separate review when chapter is properly filled with balanced material. 6.Insert cross-references: CF interface to all the other divisions. 7.Define terminology / vocabulary: Glossary required for TDR.

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