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What is Stress? What’s the difference between Stress and a Stressor?

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Presentation on theme: "What is Stress? What’s the difference between Stress and a Stressor?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Stress? What’s the difference between Stress and a Stressor?

2 Stress The body’s and mind’s response to a demand Symptoms of Stress: Back Pain Headaches Decreased Immunity Cold Extremities Acne Rapid Heartbeat Poor Sleep Loss of Appetite Anger Depression Irritability Uncontrollable Crying Mood Swings Anxiety Nervousness Restlessness

3 Stressor Any situation that puts a demand on the body or mind

4 Is STRESS always bad??? DISTRESS = Negative Stress EUSTRESS= Positive Stress

5 The Different Kinds of Stress in Our Lives ENVIRONMENTAL STESSORS- these are conditions or events in your environment that cause you stress. Ex: Pollution, Crowding, Noise, and Natural Disasters

6 BIOLOGICAL STRESSOR- conditions that make everyday activities hard on your body. Ex: Being sick, Injury, Disability

7 THINKING STRESSOR- any mental challenge in your life. Ex: Test, homework, projects

8 BEHAVIORAL STRESSOR- Any unhealthy behavior. Ex: not getting enough sleep, smoking, drinking, drugs

9 LIFE CHANGE STRESSOR- any change in your life including negative or positive. Ex: graduation, divorce, prom, death in family

10 Top Causes of Stress in the U.S. - Job Pressure- Co-Worker Tension, Bosses, Work Overload Money- Loss of Job, Reduced Retirement, Medical Expenses Health Crisis- Terminal or Chronic Illness Relationships- Divorce, Death of Spouse, Arguments with Friends, Loneliness Poor Nutrition- Inadequate Nutrition, Caffeine, Processed Foods, Refined Sugars Media Overload- Television, Radio, Internet, E-Mail, Social Networking Sleep Deprivation- Inability to release adrenaline and other stress hormones

11 Self Esteem A measure of how much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself. Self Concept A measure of how you view yourself

12 Low or High Self Esteem?? LOW SELF ESTEEM Feels Insecure Disrespects Self and others Vulnerable to peer pressure Doesn’t feel valuable Feels Depressed Uses Drugs or Alcohol Fears Failure HIGH SELF ESTEEM Speaks up for Self Respects self and others Has Confidence Tries new things Adjusts to change Makes decisions on values Goal Setter

13 Self-Actualization: To become more of what one is; to be your best; Esteem: To achieve mastery of a task; to be praised; to have power; need to have self respect and achieve goals Love/ Social: A desire to belong to a group; to be accepted; Safety: To be secure and away from harm; to have shelter Physiological/ Physical Needs: Air, Water, Food, Sleep, Exercise and Stimulation

14 Mental Health The state of mental well being in which one can cope with the demands of daily life. Mental Disorder An illness that affects a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors Depression A sadness and hopelessness that keeps a person from carrying out everyday activities

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