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Chapter 4 Managing Stress & Coping With Loss Section 1

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1 Chapter 4 Managing Stress & Coping With Loss Section 1 Stress & Your Health 1


3 Managing Stress Questionnaire Scale
19-24 points = You are doing an excellent job of managing stress. 10-18 points = You are doing very well overall but have areas in which you can improve how you manage stress. 0-9 points = You should be making some major changes in the way you deal with stress or you may develop a stress-related illness. You’ll learn more in this chapter about managing stress. 3

4 Bell-Ringer Identify three situations that can cause you stress on a daily basis. 4

5 Objectives Describe five different causes of stress. Describe the body’s physical response to stress. Differentiate between positive and negative stress. Describe how stress can make you sick. 5

6 What is STRESS? Stressor: Any situation that is a demand on the body or mind Stress: Body’s response to the situation.

7 Eustress: Good stress Distress: Bad stress

8 Types of Stressors Environmental: Conditions or events in your physical environment that causes stress. Unsafe neighborhood, natural disasters, war, global warming.

9 Types of Stressors Biological: Changes in body, illness, injury, disability

10 Types of Stressors Thinking: Poor self-esteem, personal appearance, not fitting in.

11 Types of Stressors Behavioral: Taking on a busy schedule; relationship issues, smoking, drugs, alcohol.

12 Stressors for Teens: Life Situations
Family problems, adjusting to new family members Moving or changing schools Breaking up with boyfriend, girlfriend

13 Fight-or-Flight Response to Stress
Adrenaline is released by the body that provides you with energy, reflexes, and strength that you need to respond to the stressor.

14 Changes in body that are triggered by the Adrenaline
Breathing speeds up Heartbeat increases Muscles tense up Pupils dilate Digestion stops Blood sugar rises


16 Stages in the Relationship between Stress & Disease:
Alarm Stage: The body and mind become very alert in response to stress.

17 Stages in the Relationship between Stress & Disease
Body becomes more resistant to disease and injury

18 Stages in the Relationship between Stress and Disease
Stress-Related Diseases & Disorders Stages in the Relationship between Stress and Disease Extreme exhaustion sets in. Organs and systems may suffer or fail.

19 Tension headache Chronic Fatigue
Cold & flu Ulcer Asthma Anxiety disorder Migraine headache Insomnia Backache Depression Heart disease Stroke High blood pressure 19

20 Stressors for Teens: School Demands
List 2 things that cause distress and 2 that cause eustress at school.

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