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 In your journal, draw a Venn Diagram using three (3) circles (like the one to the right)  Label the circles: solids, liquids, gases.  Complete the.

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Presentation on theme: " In your journal, draw a Venn Diagram using three (3) circles (like the one to the right)  Label the circles: solids, liquids, gases.  Complete the."— Presentation transcript:


2  In your journal, draw a Venn Diagram using three (3) circles (like the one to the right)  Label the circles: solids, liquids, gases.  Complete the Venn Diagram with your ‘shoulder’ partner.


4  The phrases “The Particle Model” and “The Particle Theory” refer to the same thing!  The words “particle” and “molecule” are synonyms!

5  Helps us understand the structure of matter.  An explanation/description of the particles that make up all matter.


7  All matter is made of particles that are always moving (even in solids).  All particles have a mass and volume (take up space).  Atoms bond together to make molecules/particles.  Particles bond together to make matter/substances.  The only difference between solids, liquids, and gases are the bonds.  Particles do NOT have the same traits as the substances they make!

8  Water particles are not tiny, wet water droplets.  Wood particles are not tiny little splinters.

9  Bonds are made of invisible, electrical energy that behave like springs and hold molecules/particles together BUT also keep them apart (attractive and repulsive).  Bonds have no mass/weight.

10  Fold it in half, hot-dog style.  Write TRUE/YES on one side (write BIG).  Write FALSE/NO on the other side (write BIG).


12  Particles vibrate constantly around a ‘fixed’ position.  Motion is limited because of the strong bonds that hold solids together.  Particles are packed tightly together.  Particles in a solid have the least amount of energy.

13  Particles in a liquid move more freely than in solids.  The bond holding the particles together is weaker than a solid, allowing particles to move throughout the liquid and connect to other particles.  Liquids have more energy than solids.

14  Particles have the most movement in a gas.  There are NO bonds in a gas.  Particles take the shape of the container they are in.  Particles in a gas have the most energy.

15  With your “face” partner…  1 st speaker – tell your partner the differences between a solid and a gas.  2 nd speaker – tell you partner the differences between a solid and a liquid.

16  Adding energy causes the bonds holding the particles together to become weaker.  Adding energy does not cause the particles to grow, shrink, multiply, or disappear.  Adding energy causes the particles to move faster, raising the temperature and kinetic energy of the substance.  ??So, what would happen if energy leaves particles??

17  With your ‘shoulder’ partner,  Discuss what you think happens when energy ‘leaves’ particles.  Write down your answers.

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