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ITTO Rattan Project Component RATTAN PILOT DEMONSTRATION By ARMANDO M. PALIJON Component Leader IRNR-CFNR-UPLB College4031Laguna Philippines

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Presentation on theme: "ITTO Rattan Project Component RATTAN PILOT DEMONSTRATION By ARMANDO M. PALIJON Component Leader IRNR-CFNR-UPLB College4031Laguna Philippines"— Presentation transcript:

1 ITTO Rattan Project Component RATTAN PILOT DEMONSTRATION By ARMANDO M. PALIJON Component Leader IRNR-CFNR-UPLB College4031Laguna Philippines

2 Experience in the Establishment of Rattan Pilot Demonstration in Southeast Asia

3 Participating SEA member countries

4 Project Components Training Research Pilot Demonstration Networking Data Base

5 Rattan Pilot Demo The of the project No pilot demo, project fails

6 Rattan Pilot Demo a show case of Mature Sustainable Rattan Well-developed Production for the Industry & Community Production Technologies

7 Rattan Pilot Demo Designed to  Help uplift the socio and economic status of communities engaged in rattan production & utilization

8 Pilot Demo: Organization Chart ITTO Rattan Project Project Leader Deputy Project Leader Pilot Demo Component Leader Contact Person In Country Pilot Demo Village (s) Site Coordinator Village (s) In Country

9 Phasing of activity (e.g.) Nursery Plantation 1 ST year - Establishment - Seedling Culture Succeeding year - Maintenance 1 st year Q1&Q2 - Site selection 2 nd Year - Establishment(10 ha) 3 rd Year - Maintenance (10 ha) -Establishment(10 ha) Succeeding year- Maintenance (20 ha)

10 Budget (e.g.) Activity Selection of and coordination with communities (Q1/Q2) Rattan nursery establishment/enhancement and maintenance (2yrs) Rattan plantation establishment/enhancement and management (3 yrs) Supervision, monitoring and evaluation (4 yrs) Total Budget __________

11 Target & Budget for Pilot Demonstration Each participating SEA member country given free hand to come up with each own target & budgetary requirements varying capabilities & living standard

12 Target & Budget for Pilot Demonstration 25 ha USD 18,000 25 ha USD 23,205 25 has USD18,800 20 has USD 16,780 40 has USD 24,200 25 has USD 25,000 60 has 30 has USD 10,000 30 has USD 3,000

13 Notice to Proceed After MOA signing by Head of concerned agency in SEA member country Plus submission of other requirements like bank details

14 Fund Releases Based on Plan of work with corresponding budget Progress and financial report Request for fund release

15 Pilot Demo Establishment Criteria used for site selection  Village level  Availability of rattan plantation  Accessibility  Relevance to community  Rattan production- activity in community

16 1 st Phase: Nursery Establishment Where Existing rattan nursery pilot demo was established used for ITTO purpose enhanced/ improved/or expanded

17 2 nd Phase: Plantation Establishment Presence of existing rattan plantation  Improved, enhanced or expanded to suit ITTO need

18 Rattan Pilot Demo Absence of rattan plantation Development of new rattan plantation pursued

19 Rattan Pilot Demo In most participating ASEAN countries, established at  village level  with organized community

20 Sub-Components Rattan Nursery  Demonstrated & applied planting stock production system Rattan Plantation  Demonstrated & applied plantation establishment & management practices

21 Nursery Produced quality planting stocks through  Rattan seed technology  Rattan seedling culture  Rattan nursery management





26 Plantation Quality rattan poles thru  Site-species matching  Site preparation and planting  Tending operations  Rattan plantation management All participating SEA countries




30 Rattan Pilot Demo Quality rattan shoots  Site-species matching  Site preparation and planting  Tending operations  Rattan plantation management Laos and Thailand





35 Rattan Pilot Demo Quality rattan fruits for dye prod’n thru  Site-species matching  Site preparation and planting  Tending operations  Rattan plantation management Indonesia


37 What have we accomplished & spent? 25 ha USD 18,000 25 ha USD 23,205 25 has USD18,800 20 has USD 16,780 40 has USD 24,200 25 has USD 25,000 60 has 30 has USD 10,000 30 has USD 3,000

38 How many households have participated & benefited? 10 hhs Wage/labor 12 hhs 10 hhs 66 hhs 41 +3 hhs 52 hhs 30 hhs 22 hhs

39 What the community have gained? 1. Enhanced capacity in rattan production technologies 2. Learned some processing technologies

40 What the community have gained? 3. Empowered  Planning & managing the association and pilot demo as a TEAM (community spirit)  Linking/networking with institutions providing T, F, M assistance  Beginning to be independent & self reliant  Farmer teacher on rattan in the community

41 What the community have gained? Pilot Demo  Pride of the community Training laboratory Eco-tourism destination

42 What the community have gained? Pilot Demo  Economic benefits Aside from financial incentives, the pilot demo will soon become source of materials for subsistence and cash  Environmental benefits Restoration & conservation of the area

43 What the participating countries have gained? 1. Enhanced regional network/linkage (extending to other Asia Pacific & Africa 2. Improved sharing of technologies, information & other resources

44 What the participating countries have gained? 3. Enriched database on rattan in the region 4. Augmented knowledge and technical know-how on production & utilization technologies

45 What the participating countries have gained? 5. Promoted & continue to promote sustainability of the rattan industry in the ASEAN region & outside of the region

46 What are the restraining forces affecting sustainability of rattan plantation? 1. Land-ownership/ tenure & ownership of rattan resources 2. Long gestation period of rattan Big dia cane- 9 to15 yrs Small diameter- 7 to 8 yrs

47 What are the restraining forces affecting sustainability of rattan plantation? 3. Support of the concerned agencies/LGUs more on timber than on NTFP 4. Credit Facilities 5. Protection and maintenance problems

48 What are the restraining forces affecting sustainability of rattan plantation 5. Policies/administrative requirements on harvesting (RUP) and transport

49 What should be done to further promote RSD thru pilot demo in the region and beyond? 1. Provision of tenure to participating communities or organizations 2. Maintenance and monitoring of the plantation by the implementing PO

50 What should be done to further promote RSD thru pilot demo in the region and beyond? 3. Integration of RPP in the development program of the local government unit 4. Integration of RPP in the regular programs of the concerned agencies in each of the participating ASEAN member countries

51 What should be done to further promote RSD thru pilot demo in the region and beyond? 5. Inclusion of RPP in the national program of government 6. Generation of livelihood projects arising from the plantations

52 What should be done to further promote RSD thru pilot demo in the region and beyond? 7. Harnessing the potential of other non-timber forest products (NTFP) as resource for community-based industries- 8. Preparation and implementation of Management Plans for the pilot plantation

53 Acknowledgment Pictures: -Personal File & Downloads Text: -From ITTO Rattan Project Reports ITTO Rattan Project family ITTO CFNR-UPLB

54 That is all folks HAPPY RATTAN DAY and a more FRUITFUL ITTO RATTAN PROJECTs in the future

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