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The Enlightenment Mid 1700’s Note Key: If the writing is in black WRITE IT DOWN!!! If the writing is in White read it and think about it.

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Presentation on theme: "The Enlightenment Mid 1700’s Note Key: If the writing is in black WRITE IT DOWN!!! If the writing is in White read it and think about it."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enlightenment Mid 1700’s Note Key: If the writing is in black WRITE IT DOWN!!! If the writing is in White read it and think about it.

2 What Was the Enlightenment? The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in Europe during the 18 th century that led to a whole new world view.

3 The Scientific Revolution The Enlightenment grew largely out of the new methods and discoveries achieved in the Scientific Revolution The equatorial armillary, used for navigation on ships

4 Enlightenment Principles Religion, tradition, and superstition limited independent thought Accept knowledge based on observation, logic, and reason, not on faith Scientific and academic thought should be secular A meeting of French Enlightenment thinkers

5 The Marquis de Condorcet French mathematician Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Spirit Played active role in the French Revolution

6 Condorcet (continued) Universal education (education for all) Progress and “perfectibility,” the idea that people realistically strive for perfection in all areas of life.

7 The French Salon and the Philosophes Madame de Pompadour Salons: gatherings for aristocrats to discuss new theories and ideas Philosophes: French Enlightenment thinkers who attended the salons

8 The Encyclopédie Major achievement of the philosophes Begun in 1745; completed in 1765 Included the most up-to- date knowledge on the sciences, arts, and crafts Frontspiece to the Encyclopédie

9 The Encyclopédie (continued) Denis Diderot and Jean Le Rond d’Alembert Banned by the Catholic Church It contained nearly 72,000 articles accompanied by numerous illustrations Encyclopédie editor Denis Diderot

10 Deism Deists believed in God but rejected organized religion Morality could be achieved by following reason rather than the teachings of the church Lord Edward Herbert of Cherbury, founder of deism

11 Deism (continued) God/the creator is the “great watchmaker” The idea that the universe operates like a watch. Thomas Paine is a famous American Deist. Thomas Paine

12 How Rulers Ruled Before the Enlightenment Divine Rights of Kings The idea that rulers receive their authority from God and are answerable only to God.

13 Enlightenment Questions 1. What do you believe is the nature of human beings? Are people born inherently good or bad? Can people’s nature change? Explain your answers completely. 2. What would Holly Ridge look like if there were no laws or police? 3. What would you do if you saw a person drop a $100 bill? Explain your reasoning.

14 Enlightenment Thinkers

15 René Descartes (1596–1650) French philosopher and mathematician Questioned the basis of his own knowledge “Cogito ergo sum” “I think, therefore, I am.”

16 Voltaire (1694–1778) Most famous philosophe Wrote plays, essays, poetry, philosophy, and books Attacked the “relics” of the medieval social order Championed social, political, and religious tolerance

17 Voltaire (con’t) Credited with the idea of freedom of speech. He was very critical of the French government and the Roman Catholic Church. Was imprisoned in the Bastille twice. “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it”.

18 Thomas Hobbes (1588–1679) Applied rational analysis to the study of government Attacked the concept of divine right, yet supported a strong monarchy People are naturally wicked and selfish (bad). People must voluntarily give an authoritarian figure the power to rule.

19 John Locke (1632–1704) People have the ability to reason and can compromise (people are good). If Gov. doesn’t govern justly the people must over through it and establish a government that is just. Tabula rasa (a “Blank slate”)

20 Locke (continued) In Treatises of Government he attack DRo’K and Authoritarian Government Believed in Natural Rights which he defined as “Life, Liberty, and Property.”

21 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778) Believed that people are good but corrupted by society. Believed in Direct Democracy (individual vote). People are not truly free if they don’t make their own decisions. The Social Contract

22 Baron de Montesquieu (1689–1755) Developed the idea of separation of powers. The Spirit of the Laws states that governmental power should be balanced among three branches.

23 Montesquieu (continued) Three Branches of Gov. Executive = Carry out (enforce) laws. Legislative = Create laws. Judicial = Interpret laws. The Spirit of the Laws

24 Women and the Enlightenment Changing views of women’s role in society Role of education Equality Mary WollstonecraftOlympe de Gouges

25 Mary Wollstonecraft A Vindication of the Rights of Women. Believed that equal rights should be extended to women. Had the same natural rights and intellectual capacity as men.

26 Wollstonecraft (continued) The start of modern Women’s rights movement Title page of Wollstonecraft’s Thoughts on the Education of Daughters

27 “Enlightened Monarchs” Most of Europe ruled by absolute monarchs Receptive to Enlightenment ideas Instituted new laws and practices Enlightened Monarchs Frederick II, Prussia Catherine the Great, Russia Maria Theresa, Austria Joseph II, Holy Roman Empire Gustav III, Sweden Napoleon I, France

28 The American Revolution Influence of Locke, Montesquieu The Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson

29 The American Revolution 1765—Stamp Act –Printed materials needed a stamp to show they had paid the taxes. Colonists were angry 1766—Repealed (eased early tensions)

30 American Revolution 1 st Continental Congress –Hoped to counteract British actions. –1774, September –Philadelphia “Take up arms and organize militias”

31 American Revolution April 1775-Fighting starts –Lexington and Concord 2 nd Continental Congress –Continental Army –George Washington is Commander in Chief.

32 American Revolution July 4, 1776 –Declaration of Independence –Written by Thomas Jefferson. War formally begins.

33 American Revolution Support from France. 1778—French recognize U.S. as a country. General Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, Virginia in 1781. Treaty of Paris was signed in 1783— granted Independence for the U.S.!!

34 The U.S. Constitution Federal System—Federal and state governments work together. Montesquieu’s ideas—3 Branches of Government –Executive—President, VP –Legislative—Congress (House of Representatives and Senate) –Judicial—Supreme Courts

35 The U.S. Constitution Separation of powers Checks and balances Bill of Rights!! Painting depicting the Constitutional Convention

36 Revolution and The Enlightenment BoR came from natural rights proposed in European Enlightenment Seen as the embodiment of the Enlightenment’s political dreams

37 The French Revolution Estates –First=clergy –Second=nobles –Third=All others Peasants Middle Class Bourgeoisie Opposition to elites—took it out on Louis XVI The Marquis de Lafayette

38 The French Revolution Immediate Cause –Near collapse of the French budget Bad harvests in 1787 and 1788 Slowdown in manufacturing Food shortages Rise in the price of food Unemployment Others –Royal spending was out of control

39 The French Revolution Estates-General was called to order— May 5, 1789. –Meeting between members from all 3 estates Unequal representation in the Estates General—1 st and 2 nd could ALWAYS outvote the 3 rd. 3 rd Estate declared themselves the National Assembly—June 17, 1789

40 The French Revolution June 20, 1789—Meeting was held –National Assembly showed up…they were locked out –Went to a nearby Tennis Court… Tennis Court Oath –Continue meeting until they had a new Constitution.

41 Storming of the Bastille July 14, 1789 –900 Parisian gathered at the Bastille –4 hours of fighting –Released 7 prisoners and cut off the wardens head!! –Tore down the Bastille brick by brick Great Fear –Peasant rebellions are very common –Break into Lords houses and destroyed belongings.

42 The Declaration of the Rights of Man Adopted by National Assembly in 1789 “liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression” All men were free an equal What about women?

43 Olympe De Gouges Criticized the French Revolution The Rights of Women “Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen” Executed in 1793

44 The Legacy of the Enlightenment Government Society Education The signing of the U.S. Constitution

45 Catherine the Great (ruled 1762–1796) Russian ruler Well-versed in Enlightenment works “Westernizing” Russia

46 Catherine the Great (continued) Domestic reforms Peasant revolt

47 Joseph II (ruled 1765–1790) Ruled as coregent with his mother until 1780 Joseph’s reforms Religious toleration Control over the Catholic Church Abolition of serfdom

48 Gustav III (ruled 1771–1792) Swedish ruler Read French Enlightenment works Reforms Absolutism

49 Napoleon I French ruler Military career Rise to power

50 Napoleon I (continued) Reforms Education Law

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