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Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review College of Menominee Nation Conceptual Design Review College of Menominee Nation Marilyn Madosh, Larry.

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Presentation on theme: "Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review College of Menominee Nation Conceptual Design Review College of Menominee Nation Marilyn Madosh, Larry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review College of Menominee Nation Conceptual Design Review College of Menominee Nation Marilyn Madosh, Larry Madden, Alex Adamski,Travis Spice, Ariel Sanapaw, Amy Jozwiak, Ricki Dodge, Lincoln Peters March 21, 2015

2 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Template Notes: You can reformat this template to fit your design, but you must cover all the information requested on the following slides This template contains all of the information you are required to convey at the CoDR level. If you have questions, please contact your advisor or Dan Hawk,

3 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Template Notes The Goals of the CoDR are: Clearly present a Concept of your payload Science objectives (theory, background, and what mission will prove) are understood and well-defined Preliminary mission requirements are defined and traceable to science objectives Understand concept of operations Understand mechanical and electrical interfaces

4 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review CoDR Presentation Content Section 1: Mission Overview Mission Statement Mission Objectives Theory and Concepts Concept of Operations Expected Results Section 2: Design Overview Science Design Engineering Design Functional Block Diagram Payload Layout (sketches) Tethered Aerostat/Payload User’s Guide Compliance

5 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review CoDR Presentation Contents Section 3: Management Team Organization Schedule Budget Mentors (Faculty, industry) Risks/Worries Contact and Availability Matrices Section 4: Conclusions

6 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Mission Overview: Mission Statement CMN’s TAP Mission is to measure the pulse of the forest. We will develop methods to monitor and assess our forest resources. We would like to discover the effects of climate change on a one hectare plot already being monitored from the ground. This data will become part of a larger project funded primarily through USDANIFA Tribal Research Grant Program titled “ Measuring the Pulse of the Forest.”

7 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Mission Overview: Mission Objectives Mission Objectives  derived from mission statement Find out what type of data we can collect Figure out what equipment we need to collect the data Build a payload with this equipment Launching and Collecting Data Analyze the data Share information with the greater project Collaboratively analyze the data

8 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Mission Overview: Theory and Concepts Climate Change is causing a strange phenomenon in tree species. The warming is causing certain species of tress to die out in regions that they have lived for hundreds of years. Many species of trees are losing their competiveness over environments and therefore allowing newcomers to move in and replace them. Trees have adapted to specific environments, including temperature, cold-tolerance, and other factors. However, as those environments change these species could lose their competitive edge and begin to decline or even die out completely. Research is already happening. A one hectare wooded plot was surveyed and being monitored for total trees, tree species, and average DBH(Diameter at Breast Height) Plant data is also being collected, this data includes plant identification. Results at

9 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Mission Overview: Concept of Operations After determining what data we can collect, we can figure out what equipment will be needed. This will be determined at Workshop #2 Saturday, March 21, 2015. Build and Test Payload equipment by April 1, 2015. We would like to do a launch by May 1, 2015.

10 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Mission Overview: Expected Results Go over what you expect to discover and what you data might look like Ex. What wavelengths do you expect to see? How many particles do you expect to measure? How many counts of radiation? Etc. This is vital in showing you understand the science concepts

11 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Design Overview: Science Design Summarize the instrumentation/sensors/devices that will be used to complete your science mission Present a concept of HOW your science hardware will work to achieve your mission

12 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Design Overview: Engineering Design Describe/summarize your current design used to support your Science Design Be sure to cover major subsystems like Structures, Power, Command and Data Handling, Software Utilization of heritage elements (designs/features used on previous flights) defined. Major technology dependencies?

13 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Design Overview: Functional Block Diagram Functional block diagram Shows HOW subsystems interact with each other Shows HOW data will be recorded and stored Shows HOW power and data flow through subsystems Example on following slide I will spend a lot of time on this diagram with each team and it will be referred to all the way up until launch so make it good

14 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review

15 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Design Overview: Payload Layout Initial drawings/sketches/layout of your deck Conceptual idea of how and where things will be mounted Show where electronics boards (~how many?), sensors, power will be mounted Rough dimensions and weight estimates

16 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Management Team organization chart Preliminary schedule for the semester Monetary budget Team mentors (industry, faculty)? Contact Matrix Team Availability (MDT) Matrix

17 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Risks/Worries: What are your biggest worries or potential failure points with your conceptual design? Items identified should be completely mitigated through your design effort and fully addressed by CDR

18 Tethered Aerostat Program Concept Design Review Next steps for your team to get to PDR Anything you need to investigate further? Begin requirement flow down process for system and subsystems Conclusion

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