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Franklin D. Roosevelt January 30, 1882-April 12, 1945.

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1 Franklin D. Roosevelt January 30, 1882-April 12, 1945

2 Background Information (Life) Born-January 30, 1882, Hyde Park, New York Full Name-Franklin Delano Roosevelt Nickname- “FDR” Death- April 12, 1945, Warm Springs, Georgia Died of cerebral hemorrhage (led to stroke)

3 Background Information (Presidency) 32 nd President of the United States. First and only president to serve four terms Presidency- President from March 4, 1933 – April 12, 1945 Had polio during presidency Political party- Democratic

4 Background Information (Family) Marriage-March 17, 1905, to Anna Eleanor Roosevelt (1884– 1962) Children-Anna Eleanor (1906– 1975), James (1907–1991), Franklin Delano Jr. (1909), Elliott (1910–1990), Franklin Delano Jr. (1914–1988), John Aspinwall (1916–1981) Only full child of his parents. Half brother- James Roosevelt Jr. Parents- James Roosevelt Sr. and Sara Delano Roosevelt President Franklin Roosevelt poses with his 13 grandchildren on his fourth inaugural, January 20, 1945. (Courtesy of http://georgewbush-

5 Background Information Cousin to Theodore Roosevelt. He, also served as president. Teddy helped inspire Franklin to enter public services, which helped lead to presidency. Religion-Episcopalian Education- Harvard College (graduated 1903), Columbia Law School

6 Major Accomplishments (Presidency) 32 nd president Only president to serve more than two terms Roosevelt's "First 100 Days" concentrated on the first part of his strategy: Immediate relief. – sent Congress a record number of bills Most passed too Most effective president

7 Major Accomplishments (Great Depression) Major contributor of getting America out of the great depression – Fireside chats Let America and him bond Set up the “new deal” – The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Hired 250,000 young men – Works Progress Administration (WPA) Employed Two Million Family Heads.

8 Major Accomplishments (WWII) Declare war on Japan led America to victory in world war 2 – Died because of polio before Japan surrendered Able to unite the world post-war. Led America in the war – Made the toughest decisions Reelected for 4 th term – Only president elected more than two terms

9 Major Accomplishments Started Social Security Ending Prohibition U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was formed on June 6, 1934 under FDR Started in office on March 4, 1933 and ended April 12, 1945 – Longest period of any president

10 Life Experience (Presidency) Created many New Deal Programs – Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) – Civil Works Administration (CWA) – Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA) – Glass-Steagall Act (FDIC) – National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) – National Youth Administration (NYA) – Public Works Administration (PWA) – Rural Electrification Administration (REA) – Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) – Social Security Act – Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – Wagner Act – Works Progress Administration (WPA) – Many more too!! These programs were important factors of getting America out of the Great Depression. This also shows how great of a president he was!

11 Life Experience (school) Went to exclusive private school at age 14 – Groton School Went to Harvard College – Received average grades – Did many extracurricular activities in college Asked Alice Sohier to marry him in college. She turned him down – Which, led to him marrying Eleanor Roosevelt. Law school at Columbia University, before wedding. – Attended for two years, but never graduated! – Disliked being a lawyer.

12 Life Experience (Family) Father: James Roosevelt, Sr., 1828-1900, businessman from a wealthy family; inherited a large fortune. Mother: Sara Ann Delano, 1854-1941, also from a wealthy family, also inherited a large fortune. Half-brother: James "Rosy" Roosevelt, Jr., 1854-1927, his mother was James's first wife, Rebecca Brien Howland. Wife: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884-1962, also FDR's fifth cousin once removed. Daughter: Anna Roosevelt Halstead, 1906-1975, writer, newspaper/magazine editor, philanthropist. Son: James Roosevelt, 1907-1991, military officer, businessman, and politician. Son: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., 1909-1909, died in infancy. Son: Elliot Roosevelt, 1910-1990, military officer and author. Son: Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., 1914-1988, military officer and politician. Son: John Aspinwall Roosevelt, 1916-1981, businessman and politician.

13 Life Experiences (Pre-Presidency) After 1912, he became assistant secretary of the navy (7 years). Major contributor of WWI In 1920, FDR was nominated as Democratic candidate for vice president – Under James Cox of Ohio (they lost) August of 1921 he came down with Polio – He would never walk again unaided 1927, he established an old resort hotel at Warm Springs – Later became pioneering center of rehabilitation of polio patients. 1928, became governor of New York – Brought tax relief to farmers and advocating cheap electrical power

14 Failures Failure to unite the country in a time of war (see Thomas Fleming "New Dealers War") Hostility to the British Empire Failure to build up the US Air Corps and Navy prior to June 1940. Failure to plan for the German U- boat attack in 1942. Refused Navy advise to build DE's prior to Pearl Harbor. – 007/10/list-of-fdrs-failures-in- ww-ii.html

15 Failures Failure to adequately provide for the defense of Pearl Harbor. Endorsement of the Morganthau plan. Failure to build Aircraft Carriers instead of Battleships prior to 12-7-1941. Endorses Marshall's absurd "Sledgehammer" plan. Refuses to negotiate with Mussolini or Italian Military prior to July 1943. – /list-of-fdrs-failures-in-ww-ii.html

16 Failures Refused to delay start of Pacific War by compromising with the Japanese. We could have delayed the start of the war by 3-6 months which would have given us time to prepare for the attack. Policy of Unconditional Surrender Appointment of Communists to high positions Appeasement of Stalin. Refusal to plan for the postwar world – /10/list-of-fdrs-failures-in-ww- ii.html

17 Failures Didn’t enjoy law school. – Didn’t want to become a lawyer Failed at becoming a layer Only received average grades in college. Continuously appeased Hitler. – Allie powers let Hitler take land over. Failed to stack the supreme court.

18 Top Accomplishments Leader of getting America out of the Great Depression. – F.D.R was a major contributor of helping America get out of the depression. – One of the worst times in America’s history for the people. – America may have failed if it wasn’t for his new deal programs People believed and trusted him – Fireside chats – Known as one of the best presidents because of this

19 Top Accomplishments Led America to victory in WWII. – Americans trusted him, which let him do what he needed to do to succeed. – Made important decisions in crunch time! Turned out good usually – Acts to prevent future war. Unable to enjoy the victory of WWII because of his death – Before bombing of Japan – Couldn’t continue his 3 rd term

20 Top Accomplishments Only president to serve more than two terms – Voted for a 4th term Due to cerebral hemorrhage, F.D.R couldn’t continue and eventually passed away three months in. – After death, rule was made presidents could only serve up to two terms. – Felt it was his duty to continue helping the country. – Served during the most difficult years of the United States. Great Depression and WWII

21 Sources "Franklin D. Roosevelt." 2013. The Biography Channel website. Mar 04 2013, 10:25 H.W. Brands, Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, New York: Doubleday, 2008 Jean Edward Smith, FDR, New York: Random House, 2007 David M. Kennedy, Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War, 1929- 1945 (Oxford, 1999) Robert S. McElvaine, The Great Depression: America 1929-1941 (New York: Times, 1984)

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