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Basic Principles and importance of NUTRITION M.Balasundaram FoM,AIMST University.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Principles and importance of NUTRITION M.Balasundaram FoM,AIMST University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Principles and importance of NUTRITION M.Balasundaram FoM,AIMST University

2 OBJECTIVES Describe the basic principles of nutrition Describe the basic principles of nutrition Food, Diet & Food groups Food, Diet & Food groups Nutrients & its types Nutrients & its types Energy metabolism Energy metabolism Nutrition standards - Dietary requirements: Nutrition standards - Dietary requirements: Metabolic disorders Metabolic disorders Balanced diet, Diet planning & guidelines Balanced diet, Diet planning & guidelines Therapeutic nutrition Therapeutic nutrition Food guides. Food guides.

3 INTRODUCTION (including ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism and excretion) Nutrition is relatively a new discipline of science mainly deals with Types of Nutrients, chemical nature and their biological importance in order to lead normal, good and healthy life. (including ingestion, digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism and excretion) Nutrition is the process of consuming, absorbing, and using nutrients needed by the body for growth, development, and maintenance of life.. Good nutrition aims to achieve and maintain a desirable body composition,optimal health, prevention of diseases and high potential for physical and mental work.

4 4M.B.S Food & Diet Food: The Products derived from plants and animals can be taken in to the body to yield energy and nutrients for the maintenance of life and the growth and repair of tissues Food: The Products derived from plants and animals can be taken in to the body to yield energy and nutrients for the maintenance of life and the growth and repair of tissues Diet: The foods and beverages a person eats and drinks Diet: The foods and beverages a person eats and drinks Functional foods: Foods that contain physiologically active compounds that provide health benefits beyond their nutrient contributions are called Functional foods/Designer foods /Nutraceuticals. Functional foods: Foods that contain physiologically active compounds that provide health benefits beyond their nutrient contributions are called Functional foods/Designer foods /Nutraceuticals.

5 5M.B.S Food Groups Foods may be broadly classified in to 11 groups based on their nutritive value: Foods may be broadly classified in to 11 groups based on their nutritive value: Cereals and millets Pulses and legumes Cereals and millets Pulses and legumes Nuts and oil seeds Vegetables-GLV, roots and tubers, other veg. Fruits Nuts and oil seeds Vegetables-GLV, roots and tubers, other veg. Fruits Milk and milk products Meat and meat products Milk and milk products Meat and meat products Fats and oils Sugar and other carbohydrate foods Spices and condiments Fats and oils Sugar and other carbohydrate foods Spices and condiments

6 6M.B.S Nutritional classification Energy yielding foods: Rich carbohydrates, fats Energy yielding foods: Rich carbohydrates, fats Body building foods: Foods rich in protein-milk egg,fish,pulses nuts and oil seeds Body building foods: Foods rich in protein-milk egg,fish,pulses nuts and oil seeds Protective foods: rich in protein,vitamins and minerals milk egg,veg, fruits Protective foods: rich in protein,vitamins and minerals milk egg,veg, fruits

7 7M.B.S Nutrients Nutrients: chemical substances obtained from the food and used in the body to provide energy, structural materials, regulating agents to support the growth, maintenance and repair of the body’s tissues also to reduce the risk of some diseases. Nutrients: chemical substances obtained from the food and used in the body to provide energy, structural materials, regulating agents to support the growth, maintenance and repair of the body’s tissues also to reduce the risk of some diseases. Organic nutrients & Inorganic nutrients Organic nutrients & Inorganic nutrients Energy yielding nutrients: The nutrient that breaks down to yield energy the body can use Energy yielding nutrients: The nutrient that breaks down to yield energy the body can use Essential or indispensable nutrients: The nutrients that foods must supply. Nutrients a person must obtain from the food because the body can’t synthesize them for itself in sufficient quantity to meet physiological needs Essential or indispensable nutrients: The nutrients that foods must supply. Nutrients a person must obtain from the food because the body can’t synthesize them for itself in sufficient quantity to meet physiological needs

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10 10M.B.S Energy/Calorie Energy: the capacity to do work. The energy in the food is chemical energy. The body can convert this chemical energy in to mechanical, electrical and heat energy. Energy: the capacity to do work. The energy in the food is chemical energy. The body can convert this chemical energy in to mechanical, electrical and heat energy. Calories: unit by which the energy is measured Calories: unit by which the energy is measured Food energy is measured in Kcal. (1000Cal= 1 Kcal) Food energy is measured in Kcal. (1000Cal= 1 Kcal) Factors: physical activity, body size and composition, age and sex, physiological state, climate &environment Factors: physical activity, body size and composition, age and sex, physiological state, climate &environment

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12 12M.B.S The caloric value of a food can be calculated by the formula: Caloric value ( kcal) = 4 (carbohydrates + proteins) + 9 fats 1 glass whole milk contains 140 kcal 7g protein ( x 4 kcal/g) = 28 kcal 10g carbohydrate ( x 4 kcal/g) = 40 kcal 8g fat ( x 9 kcal/g) = 72 kcal 1 slice bread contains 68 kcal 2g protein ( x 4 kcal/g) = 8 kcal 14g carbohydrate ( x 4 kcal/g) = 56 kcal 0.5g fat ( x 9 kcal/g) = 4.5 kcal

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20 20M.B.S Nutrition standards DRI(Dietary reference intake):Nutrition experts have produced a set of standards that define the amounts of energy nutrients and other dietary components and physical activity that best support health. These recommendations are called DRI & these values are used for planning and assessing diets. DRI(Dietary reference intake):Nutrition experts have produced a set of standards that define the amounts of energy nutrients and other dietary components and physical activity that best support health. These recommendations are called DRI & these values are used for planning and assessing diets. They include: EAR(Estimated Average Requirement) They include: EAR(Estimated Average Requirement) Recommended dietary allowances(RDA) Recommended dietary allowances(RDA) Adequate intake(AI) Adequate intake(AI) Tolerable upper intake levels(UL) Tolerable upper intake levels(UL)

21 21M.B.S RDA RDA: The nutrient present in the diet which satisfies the daily requirement of nearly all individuals in a population. RDA: The nutrient present in the diet which satisfies the daily requirement of nearly all individuals in a population. The average daily amount of nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people. The average daily amount of nutrient considered adequate to meet the known nutrient needs of practically all healthy people.

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23 23M.B.S What happens when a person doesn’t get enough or gets too much of nutrients or energy? Mal Nutrition: any conditions caused by excess or deficient food energy or nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients. Mal Nutrition: any conditions caused by excess or deficient food energy or nutrient intake or by an imbalance of nutrients. Under nutrition - deficient energy or nutrients Under nutrition - deficient energy or nutrients Over nutrition - excess energy or nutrients Over nutrition - excess energy or nutrients

24 24M.B.S Nutrigenomics Metabolism: the process by which nutrients are broken down to yield energy or used to make body structures are known as metabolism Metabolism: the process by which nutrients are broken down to yield energy or used to make body structures are known as metabolism Inborn Error Metabolism (IBEM):The genetically determined mechanism underlying each disease is the absence of an enzyme or active compounds required for particular metabolic process. Many types of IBEM have been described in man of these some conditions can be treated by eliminating some substances from the diet or adding some specific nutrients to the diets. Inborn Error Metabolism (IBEM):The genetically determined mechanism underlying each disease is the absence of an enzyme or active compounds required for particular metabolic process. Many types of IBEM have been described in man of these some conditions can be treated by eliminating some substances from the diet or adding some specific nutrients to the diets.

25 25M.B.S METABOLIC DISORDERS Disorders of blood constituents Disorders of blood constituents “ amino acid metabolism “ amino acid metabolism “ carbohydrate metabolism “ carbohydrate metabolism “ lipid metabolism “ lipid metabolism “ endocrine disorder “ endocrine disorder “ vitamin and mineral metabolism “ vitamin and mineral metabolism “ purine & pyrimidine metabolism “ purine & pyrimidine metabolism “ porphyrin and bilirubin metabolism “ porphyrin and bilirubin metabolism

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27 27M.B.S Balanced Diet Balanced diets-foods which contains various group of food stuffs such as energy yielding, body building and protective foods in the correct proportions so that an individual is assured of obtaining the mini.requirement of all the nutrients Balanced diets-foods which contains various group of food stuffs such as energy yielding, body building and protective foods in the correct proportions so that an individual is assured of obtaining the mini.requirement of all the nutrients The components of balanced diet will differ according to the age,sex,physical activity, economic status and the physiological state. The components of balanced diet will differ according to the age,sex,physical activity, economic status and the physiological state. Well balanced diet the 10-12% energy derived from protein,20-30% from fats, and rest form carbohydrates. Well balanced diet the 10-12% energy derived from protein,20-30% from fats, and rest form carbohydrates. The fat energy in a diet should not exceed 30% of the total dietary energy. The fat energy in a diet should not exceed 30% of the total dietary energy.

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29 29M.B.S Diet planning principles & Guidelines Diet planning principles and dietary guidelines are key concepts to keep in mind Diet planning principles and dietary guidelines are key concepts to keep in mind 6 basic diet planning principles: 6 basic diet planning principles: Adequacy-providing all essential nutrients,fiber&energy sufficient to maintain health Adequacy-providing all essential nutrients,fiber&energy sufficient to maintain health Balance- the art of balancing the diet involves consuming enough-but not too much –of each type of food/providing foods in proportion to each other and in proportion to the body’s needs Balance- the art of balancing the diet involves consuming enough-but not too much –of each type of food/providing foods in proportion to each other and in proportion to the body’s needs Calorie (Kcal-energy)control-management of food energy intake Calorie (Kcal-energy)control-management of food energy intake

30 30M.B.S Diet planning…..con Nutrient density -a measure of the nutrients a food provides relative to the energy it provides Nutrient density -a measure of the nutrients a food provides relative to the energy it provides Moderation- providing enough but not too much of a substance Moderation- providing enough but not too much of a substance Variety-eating a wide selection of foods with in and among the major food groups Variety-eating a wide selection of foods with in and among the major food groups

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33 33M.B.S Therapeutic nutrition Therapeutic nutrition: concerned with the nutritional requirement of the patients suffering from different diseases and prescribing the right type of diet for them Therapeutic nutrition: concerned with the nutritional requirement of the patients suffering from different diseases and prescribing the right type of diet for them Objective :Correction of the existing dietary deficiencies and to maintain the patient in good nutritional state Objective :Correction of the existing dietary deficiencies and to maintain the patient in good nutritional state Formulation of the diet to meet the needs of the patient taking in to consideration his food habits Formulation of the diet to meet the needs of the patient taking in to consideration his food habits Educating the patient regarding the need for adherence to the prescribed diet. Educating the patient regarding the need for adherence to the prescribed diet.



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37 37M.B.S Dietary recommendations: The dietary guidelines aim to lower the high incidence of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and other diet related ailments. 1.Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods. 2. Eat plenty of breads and cereals(preferably whole grain), vegetables and fruits. 3.Eat a diet low in saturated fat. 4.Maintain a healthy body weight by balancing physical activity and food intake.

38 38M.B.S 5.If you drink alcohol, limit your intake. 6.Eat only a moderate amount of sugars and foods containing added sugars. 7.Choose low salt foods and use salt sparingly. 8.Encourage and support breastfeeding. 9.Eat foods containing calcium. This is particularly important for girls and women. 10.Eat foods containing iron. This is particularly important for girls, women, vegetarians and athletes.

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