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Presentation on theme: "España."— Presentation transcript:

1 España

2 Spain Geography History Culture Food Language

3 Geografía

4 Mapa

5 La Capital de España es Madrid

6 Madrid-capital

7 Cataluña-Barcelona Barça

8 La Coruña-northern Spain

9 Valencia

10 Anadalucía

11 Lugares Interesantes En España
Barcelona Madrid Andalucia La Mancha Aragón

12 Las Islas Canarias

13 Brief timeline of Spanish History
1100 BC. Phoenician traders establish colony at Cádiz in southern Iberia. 228 BC. Carthaginians occupy southern and eastern Iberia BC. Romans defeat Carthage in Second Punic War and occupy Iberian peninsula. 74. Inhabitants of Iberia are granted full Roman citizenship.409. Visigoths occupy Iberian peninsula. 711. Combined Arab and Berber force from northern Africa cross Strait of Gibraltar to occupy Iberian peninsula. 756. Independent Emirate is established in Iberia, with Córdoba as its capital. 913. Having re-taken territories in northern Spain, Christians establish capital in León. 1013. Powerful Caliphate of Córdoba breaks up due to internal strife; Moorish Spain split into small feuding kingdoms. 1212. Decisive Christian victory at battle of Navas de Tolosa spells the beginning of the end of Moorish rule in Spain. 1492. King Fernando and Queen Isabel's army capture Granada after a long siege, the final defeat of the Moors in Spain. Jews are forced to convert to Christianity; those who refuse are expelled from Spain. Christopher Columbus sets sail on his voyage of discovery.

14 1702-14. War of Spanish Succession
War of Spanish Succession. Bourbon dynasty accedes to Spanish throne. Peninsular War. Spaniards rise against Napoleon's occupying force. Combination of guerilla tactics and support from Wellington's army end in French defeat. 1898. Spanish American War. Spain loses Cuba and Philippines. 1931. Spanish king is forced to abdicate. Spain becomes a republic. Spanish Civil War. Bloody conflict ends with General Franco's victory. Dictatorship established. 1975. Franco dies, Juan Carlos de Borbón is proclaimed king. Spain becomes constitutional monarchy. Democracy would bring membership of the European Community. 1982. Spain joins NATO, becoming a member of a mainstream European organization. 1995. Spain joins the European Community. 2004. Islamic terrorists strike the Atocha train station in Madrid with bombs, killing nearly 300 and precipitating a change in government.

15 History

16 Queen Isabella & Critobal Colon

17 The People The People Spain is generally very monocultural in comparison to most of the other developed countries. During the years of Franco there was very little immigration and 95% of the population are white Catholics. For centuries Spain was host to Arabic culture and this has left many strong imprints both genetically and culturally.

18 Culture

19 Hoods The hoods that are worn for Semana Santa events in Mexico and Spain date back to Spain at the time of the Inquisition, way before the KKK was formed. Known as a capirote, these hoods represent repentance and humility. During the Inquisition, penitents were made to wear these hoods

20 La Música y Baile de España
The Music of Spain has a long history and has played an important part in the development of western music. It has had a particularly strong influence upon Latin American music. The music of Spain is often associated abroad with traditions like flamenco and the classical guitar but Spanish music is, in fact, diverse from region to region. Flamenco, for example, is an Andalusian musical genre from the south of the country. In contrast, the music in the north-western regions is centred on the use of bagpipes, while the nearby Basque region, with its own traditional styles, is different again, as are traditional styles of music in Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia, Castile and León. Spain has also played an important role within the history of western classical music, particularly in its early phase from the 15th to the 17th centuries; with composers like Tomás Luis de Victoria to the zarzuela of Spanish opera or the passionate ballets of Manuel de Falla and the guitarist Pepe Romero. Nowadays, like elsewhere, the different styles of modern popular music dominate.

21 Las Celebraciones Tomato fight in Valencia.
The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona.

22 La Música y Baile de España cont.

23 La Comida Española La Tortilla Española Paella Española

24 Foods of Spain Olives Mussels Tortilla Manchego cheese Saffron
mushrooms Foods of Spain

25 Foods of Spain Serrano ham Chilies Calamares Camarónes Paella
Anarajados Flan

26 Tapas Tapas are tiny little dishes served in Spanish bars as appetizers and snacks to fill in the gap between lunch and dinner. They range from complicated dishes of calamares or asparagus to simple dishes of olives, shrimp or almonds.

27 Los Deportes en España

28 Personas famosas de España
Enrique Iglesias Juan Carlos and Sofia Antonio Banderas Fernando Torres The Gypsy Kings Penelope Cruz Matador Israel Lancho

29 Artistas muy Conosidos de España
Pablo Picasso Diego Velazquez Diego Velazquez Women Flower Las Meninas

30 La Arquitectura El museo de Guggenheim en Bilbao.
Avila está rodeado de murallas medievales. La Mezquita en Córdoba

31 The Language Spanish (español or lengua española), also known as Castilian (castellano or lengua castellana), is a Romance language in the Ibero-Romance group that evolved from several languages and dialects in central-northern Iberia around the 9th century[6] and gradually spread with the expansion of the Kingdom of Castile (present northern Spain) into central and southern Iberia during the later Medieval period. Modern Spanish developed with the readjustment of consonants (reajuste de las sibilantes) that began in 15th century. The language continues to adopt foreign words from a variety of other languages as well as developing new words. Spanish was taken most notably to the Americas as well as to Africa and Asia Pacific with the expansion of the Spanish Empire between the 15th and 19th centuries, where it became the most important language for government and trade.[7]

32 España and its importance to other Hispanic Countries
In the 14th and 15th hundreds Spain made many voyages to other countries where they left their culture and traditions which reflect in the daily lives of Hispanic people around the world.

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